TROVANDOMI CASUALMENTE IN SVEZIA........ are in Sweden for work, I could not stop myself from doing Sgambati and fjords in the streets of this
Vastervik , a pleasant town about 300 km to south of Stockholm also because ...... ......... RANDOMLY, I brought with me shoes, shorts and tank top of the lightning!
then catapulted into a reality I am really Fit for runners: very few cars that plus when they see you at 3-4 meters from the pedestrian crossing stop to give priority, cycle paths along all roads, dirt roads segnalatissimi amid woods of pine and birch ..... .. as well as a temperature (at least in this time of year), ideal for racing ......
The time I had available was short, but I managed to 10Km me know about them and enjoy.
So, starting from wearing shorts and tank top, makes a little freschino .... so it's ideal. 2-3 minutes of stretching, just the time that the hooks Garmin satellite is part of destination? Towards the sea!
Here the sea si insinua dentro la terra formando una miriade di lagune, isolette, fiordi e lingue di terra. E' l'ora del tramonto che qui a nord dura anche 3 ore creando dei riflessi rosa-arancioni-rossi quasi irreali. Mi lancio verso una pista ciclabile che costeggia l'acqua senza alcuna barriera, i gabbiani volano bassi, poca gente che cammina, macchine nessuna. Ho con me il telefono e cerco di scattare qualche foto con risultati molto scarsi.....
C'è un bel vento contro e allora mi butto sulla destra, dove intravedo una piccola collinetta. Dopo una breve salita, piccola discesa e mi ritrovo nuovamente il mare davanti. Passo davanti a uno Yacht Club dove alcuni distini Swedish sorgeggiano cognac and smoke cigars in peace. I greet them and I am pleasantly reciprocated .....
The road ends and a dirt path begins in the middle of a birch forest. A sign indicates the direction, but for me it is in Swedish and Arabic. Never mind, go ahead. The pine and birch trees turn into the path climbs. Then go down and go out in a village with red-roofed white houses. I head towards the town bike path along the inevitable. I see the sea from above while navigating a series of ups and downs trying in vain to break the rhythm of the race. Arrival at the village church and I stop to be able to do a couple of decent pictures.
Long down (and I thought to find just plain) and then just as long climb through a park in which retirees who play miniature golf, they stop to greet me with sticks: SHOW !
now is in the neighborhood with pink and blue houses and paved with porphyry stardine all ups and downs, I no longer see the sea ..... oh no! Here he reappears, with the sun low on the horizon ....... I find myself in the port where they are moored things like:
from the port to the main square the race is short .......
Staircase and back towards the sea .......
Last spezzagambe pulled up with a hotel and I find myself in exactly 10 km, average pace 5:06 min / km Average HR 154bpm (max HR 176).
This is a map of the route:
E 'this is the photo in front of the hotel the arrival:
And in the evening with a nice pint of beer to replenish steaks .......
So a nice diversion! Hello and see you soon!