Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Smoking Lymphatic System


Although my boyfriend has interests in sports by running away, as indeed is apparent from the snapshot to the side, last night I had the honor of having the my side for an exit in a hurry.
caparisoned at all points, she Garmin wrist, iPod on the left arm and lights on the right arm myself with a chest strap and head lamp, we left in the dark .......
Objective: 1 minute running and 1 minute's walk to be repeated n-times, just to become acquainted with the asphalt in this first release. I have to say that the neo-athlete (in this sport eh!) has performed well after finishing the test with a beautiful 4.58 km sprint demonstrating potential remained untapped so far! But time, you know, is a gentleman, and then time will tell!
For now, the second is scheduled for release tomorrow, the same training program.

After the race together, I continued for another 5.26 miles, the first workout of the season in the dark, medium-pace of 4:34 min / km Average HR 160bpm (177bpm Max HR).

For time I set one goal: to try to keep this step until the half-distance. Then we'll see ...........
Any advice is welcome. Of course!
Hello and see you soon!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Testicular Cancer And Bedwetting


are in Sweden for work, I could not stop myself from doing Sgambati and fjords in the streets of this Vastervik , a pleasant town about 300 km to south of Stockholm also because ...... ......... RANDOMLY, I brought with me shoes, shorts and tank top of the lightning!
then catapulted into a reality I am really Fit for runners: very few cars that plus when they see you at 3-4 meters from the pedestrian crossing stop to give priority, cycle paths along all roads, dirt roads segnalatissimi amid woods of pine and birch ..... .. as well as a temperature (at least in this time of year), ideal for racing ......
The time I had available was short, but I managed to 10Km me know about them and enjoy.
So, starting from wearing shorts and tank top, makes a little freschino .... so it's ideal. 2-3 minutes of stretching, just the time that the hooks Garmin satellite is part of destination? Towards the sea!
Here the sea si insinua dentro la terra formando una miriade di lagune, isolette, fiordi e lingue di terra. E' l'ora del tramonto che qui a nord dura anche 3 ore creando dei riflessi rosa-arancioni-rossi quasi irreali. Mi lancio verso una pista ciclabile che costeggia l'acqua senza alcuna barriera, i gabbiani volano bassi, poca gente che cammina, macchine nessuna. Ho con me il telefono e cerco di scattare qualche foto con risultati molto scarsi.....

C'è un bel vento contro e allora mi butto sulla destra, dove intravedo una piccola collinetta. Dopo una breve salita, piccola discesa e mi ritrovo nuovamente il mare davanti. Passo davanti a uno Yacht Club dove alcuni distini Swedish sorgeggiano cognac and smoke cigars in peace. I greet them and I am pleasantly reciprocated .....
The road ends and a dirt path begins in the middle of a birch forest. A sign indicates the direction, but for me it is in Swedish and Arabic. Never mind, go ahead. The pine and birch trees turn into the path climbs. Then go down and go out in a village with red-roofed white houses. I head towards the town bike path along the inevitable. I see the sea from above while navigating a series of ups and downs trying in vain to break the rhythm of the race. Arrival at the village church and I stop to be able to do a couple of decent pictures.

Long down (and I thought to find just plain) and then just as long climb through a park in which retirees who play miniature golf, they stop to greet me with sticks: SHOW !

now is in the neighborhood with pink and blue houses and paved with porphyry stardine all ups and downs, I no longer see the sea ..... oh no! Here he reappears, with the sun low on the horizon ....... I find myself in the port where they are moored things like:

from the port to the main square the race is short .......

Staircase and back towards the sea .......

Last spezzagambe pulled up with a hotel and I find myself in exactly 10 km, average pace 5:06 min / km Average HR 154bpm (max HR 176).

This is a map of the route:

E 'this is the photo in front of the hotel the arrival:

And in the evening with a nice pint of beer to replenish steaks .......

So a nice diversion! Hello and see you soon!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Nutritional Consultantsalary


Today the temperature dropped sharply definitely makes me want to do some climbing, but in view of the hillside on Sunday with the falling lightning Alvin e Matteo (hey, we agree, right?) I opted for something a little more varied. It came out a little strange un'usciat, casual I would say ....... I said
temperature: 14.6 ° C in average during the exit, umidità del 88,3% con piacevole pioggerellina: uno spettacolo ! Stanno arrivando i climi che preferisco. Finalmente..........
Parto e dovrei fare un pò di riscaldamento ma decido di farlo a modo mio, quindi di non farlo e mi sparo 2,5 Km a 4:43 con pulsazioni incredibilmente sotto i 150bpm.
Arrivo sotto una bella salitina e mi invento che oggi si devono fare gli sprint in salita........ma prima, diligentemente mi fermo per fare un pò di stretching. Armeggio con il Garmin per fare in modo da rilevare le varie fasi di salita e discesa, e poi alla Bress, sbang ! si parte.
Faccio una fatica bestia perche parto in quarta, è cavoli se devono essere sprint che sprint siano, non faccio calcoli come nelle ripetute per rispettare certain averages. The sprints are very short, about a hundred yards, but steep and spaccagambe and then decide to retrieve corricchiando down on the edge of the walk. I have no idea how fast I face the uphill and once at home are quite surprised that the speed was around 4:40 min / km. I keep gritting their teeth for 9 times, then I decide that I've had enough and I sling back home. I try to do the few miles to a high speed and partial detachment of 4:39, 4:32 and 4:13 as ending puffing a locomotive asthmatic .......

This is the graph of the partial:

In total I have over 7 km (clutch actually .....), to an average of 5:10 min / km, average heart rate of 149bpm (176bpm Max HR). The picture begins

post refers to Lombard Street (San Francisco - 2005), a steep road that is said to be the way the world with more curves and where the speed limit is 5 miles (7.5 km) to ' hours. Perhaps the only way where I would be fined (downhill) for speeding .......

Hello and see you soon!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dishwasher Laminate Counter

MI necks

continue training casual ...... last night, coincidentally, I met my cousin Clare is launching a call for a jog this morning said and done!
Clare is preparing the Italian Championship in 3000 which will compete on hedges and 5000 ...... and lets me know that you are in shape ....... right! Fortunately
comes from a tough week of workouts and a night's work then Sgambati has in mind a cool-down.
Party and let me do the rhythm .... in words because in fact she is always in front of me even if repeats okay? Cerrrrrto which is fine ....... ...... 4 ° Km to 4:34, and my cousin tells me that her legs are a little packed 6X1000 why did the 3 'and broken .. ... in the face!
We decide to walk along the embankment (gravel road) and I have an excuse to slow down a bit and take a breath ....... come to the fountain and drink a little too because in the meantime, has emerged a bright sun that will last throughout the race. We share a bit more relaxed (I!) And head towards the 2 villas Dueville. Deviate towards a dirt road that I did not know ...... parntesi: since I started running I found a ton of white roads and streets in the area, beautiful!
So white road that leads me to a couple of miles from home ...... a few yards to pace the heart to restore a human level and then another detour along the path to Povolaro then turn down the dirt road with all 'corner of a house with 3 huge Great Danes! STOP ........ I'm home, I greet my cousin, a brief stretching, sweating from a standing shower. The Garmin today marks
12.03 km, made 4:54 min / km Average HR 158bpm (179bpm Max HR!). Not
c'è che dire, oggi mia cugina mi ha tirato il collo, ma questi allenamenti ci vogliono per darmi una mossa e cominciare, seppur a piccoli passi il processo di velocizzazione. Quindi grazie cugina !

Ciao e alla prossima !

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Purpose Of Gel Electrophoresis


Oggi corsa casual......nel senso letterale del termine, cioè casuale, a caso.....
O meglio, l'idea era quella di fare un pò delle mie solite salite vicino a casa, magari allungando un pò la fase iniziale e limitarmi a 1 o 2 scollinamenti e invece......invece, sul più bello di fronte al bivio verso la prima salita vengo superato da un runners vero e proprio (cioè non come me) che correva own good and then, turning toward the flat I started to chase him. Obviously suicidal tactics! But this trick has made me rediscover the taste of lactic acid and a bit of speed that was missing for a long time ....... or maybe there never was.
fact is that, having obviously lost sight of the hare, I kept the pace started trying to maintain and even increase slightly. The last three kilometers made 4:26, 4:35 and 4:13 did not end more, but I felt a little fast ........ what you want, I can live a little! And then the last mile when a bicycle tried to overtake me, in vain, after an angry butt ........ what satisfaction! Sin Only this evening I had the jersey of Fuminea!

However, I ran 10km in total, average pace of 4:52 min / km Average HR 159bpm (179bpm Max HR).

Finally he begins to breathe, with acceptable temperatures (26 ° C tonight), although to be honest I prefer a more autumnal weather to ride of course!

For the moment I continue to run well, no table, even if I start to miss them ....... Blade Runner, welcome back, think about you!

Hello and see you soon!

NB I am changing the graphics of the post, but tonight I do not want and so I leave unfinished work ........

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hp C6180 Envelope Printing

and XO par el Taraji - Part Two

As explained in previous posts, the "Taraji" in the dialect of Vicenza is the bank of a river or stream. And you can see that this is a good time to run over since, even if on purpose, this morning I attended the march Taraji, leaving just a few miles from my house. I had intended to leave early, get up at 7 to start the race at 7 and a half ..... and yet ..... not having chosen the only alarm clock I woke up at 8. Never mind, the morning was beautiful, sunny, cloudless blue skies and a light breeze and temperature at the start of 17.8 ° C (59.5% moisture).
Come al solito c'è un sacco di gente e faccio fatica a parcheggiare......la prossima volta mi conviene venire di corsa !
1-2-3 si parte ! Devo scegliere quale percorso seguire ma non sono ben documentato e sono convinto che ce ne sia uno da 16Km, distanza che dovrei avere nelle gambe. In effetti nei primi cartelli viene indicata anche questa distanza, insieme ai 22Km e così li seguo........dopo un pò i cartelli indicano solo i 22Km e così, volente o nolente mi ritrovo su questa strada. Per il momento mi godo il percorso, praticamente tutto su sterrato, a volte strada bianca, a volte erboso e a tratti anche lunghi per sentieri in mezzo ai boschetti o lungo campi di granoturco. Il bello è che, pur trovandomi a pochi Km da casa, passo per luoghi mai battuti, alcuni aperti solo per l'occasione in quanto percorsi privati che portano a fattorie disperse nei campi.
Ovviamente la fa da principe il tarajo, del Bacchiglione, fiume vicentino, ma anche il Bosco di Dueville con le sue risorgive dove si incrociano parecchi ciclisti in MTB. Lungo questi sterrati non è che mi sento brillantissimo ma per fortuna trovo conforto all'ombra del bosco........La strada punta verso Vicenza e in un batter d'occhio mi ritrovo a imboccare la pista ciclabile del quartiere Laghetto, molto vicino a dove abitavo prima di sposarmi. Dò un'occhiata al Garmin e vedo che sono al 17° Km. Faccio qualche metro al passo e poi riparto. Il tratto finale è quasi tutto in mezzo al granoturco e sotto il sole che adesso warms. Arriving in Piazza 21Km but do not I stop and do around the church, people look at me as you look at the crazy! Stop: 21Km round round ....... now I'm here and I think the Lightning and the other bloggers currently engaged in the Brenta Half Marathon!

was a bit of time that ran for more than 15 km and is now an opportunity has been good both in terms of climate, both in terms of scenery ..... maybe a little less from the point of view of the bottom slightly rough .......

However I ran 21km, average pace of 5:17 min / km, FC 156bpm (170bpm Max HR).

And this is the route map:

Finally, with the bologna sandwich on arrival and copy of Il Giornale di Vicenza free, what more do you want?

Hello and see you soon!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Burton Leather Bracelet

and XO on par el Taraji .....

..... then in Vicenza dialect means "up and down from the bank." In fact, tonight I went running along the bank of Bacchiglione, the river that passes through Vicenza, and that comes very close to my house in the area called "Forest" where are the springs and where is the aqueduct that serves a large Part of Padua.
so I found running along a dirt road that at first glance senbrava not particularly challenging but, thanks la temperatura ancora alta, 28°C e un'umidità "pesante" mi stressato non poco. In più, mi sono trovato la parte finale dell'argine ricoperta da erba appena sfalciata il che non mi ha di certo permesso una corsa agevole......
A parte questi inconvenienti, correre in questa zona è veramente bello, con i i ruscelli che pian piano si trasformano in fiume, attraversando zone di vegetazione "boschiva".
LA prima parte di argine sbuca praticamente in piazza a Vivaro, dove ho approffittato di una fontanella provvidenziale. Sono ripartito rinfrancato dirigendomi verso Villa Da Porto (Palladiana) e quindi ritornando a casa affaticato........c'è poco da dire: normalmente non soffro il caldo, ma correndo lo patisco parecchio !

In total I ran 11.23 miles, average pace of 5:19 min / km Average HR 155bpm (171bpm Max HR).

Hello and see you soon!