Sunday, March 7, 2010

Starcraft 1990's Game

La prima settimana di tabella, il vento e la sportellata


This week I opened the table Gian Carlo aka Blade Runner, the table will accompany me until April 25 ... ..

Unfortunately the week has had a troubled start a little bit, so I had to skip the first slated for Monday (8.5Km Loose bottom end + extensions) because I found myself with the house at risk flooding due to traffic jam main drain. ... The Tuesday I could not give up the appointment with my cousin and her friend, that table would be 4 km and 8 km at 4:30 to 5:10. Finding instead with two companions travel a bit 'bruised (Or perhaps in the vein of Pre-tactical view of the absolute individual scene today) were taken out of 12.24 Kms 4:49 to pull the handbrake a little.

Wednesday I decided to recover the fund in the rain slow that I had to do Monday and here I met in the middle of the table by 8.65 miles in 5:02 with 5 final stretch from 70m to 3:20.

Friday, scheduled at 5:00 12km, I left quiet, but after I let go of his legs in progression and I did 12.19 miles in 4:42 ... ... Loved the graph, showing:

& # 160;

Corsa Fondo medio 05-03-2010, Passo

Today, however, Sunday, I brought the table to 10Km 10Km in 5:00 and 4:50. In the March program of donor Cavazzale, a few miles from home. The weather gave bad weather with a chance of rain and possibly snow. Instead, this morning was a bright day with the sun but still cold (1-2 ° C) but now I am used to this. Instead, what has broken the box was a bastard wind that seemed to haunt me: always against you!

The first 10km were a misery, as well as the wind that gave no respite, I felt pain in left leg and foot ... .. mah! and I would have loved to turn around and go home. But I went, luckily on a dirt path not far e con poco fango (finalmente!).

Dopo il 10Km le gambe hanno cominciato a girare più fluide e sono riuscito a completare il giro in progressione. Ho quindi corso i primi 10Km a 4:54 e i secondi 10 a 4:33, sgarrando rispetto alla tabella…..FC media 149bpm, FC max 166.

Ma cosa c’entra la sportellata ?

Si tratta di qualcosa che mi è successo la settimana scorsa e che mi ero dimenticato di scrivere…..Dunque, appena uscito di casa comincio a correre sul marciapiede che però, davanti a un bar è stato occupato da una macchina appena arrivata, ancora con i fari accesi. Allora io scendo dal marciapiede e sorpasso la macchina dal lato del viaggiatore e…. SBAAAAM !!!! Mi prendo una sportellata sulla mano sinistra !!!! Imprecazioni varie…..

Mi sfilo il guanto per verificare il danno ma per fortuna niente sangue, solo una forte botta. Il guidatore sgrida la figlia, responsabile dell’accaduto e, almeno questo, gentilmente si informa delle mie condizioni. No, non è niente…..e riprendo la mia corsa. Com’è dura la vita del runner !!!!!!

Ciao e alla prossima !


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