Saturday, February 20, 2010

Milena Velba Back In The Office Avi

Salite sotto la pioggia


   Titolo un po' scontato e forse anche già utilizzato però altro non mi veniva. Oggi a metà mattina esco per l’allenamento che avrei had to do Thursday: repeated uphill. I look out the window and it does not rain ... ... more time to get dressed and come down and of course the rain started to fall again! Prudently, I put a pair of shoes that you are starting on Sunset Boulevard and the red cape that will make me sweat seven shirts.

The start is a nightmare, I have heavy legs, and yes they are two days that I run, and I can hardly breathe. Whether the fact that I have not had breakfast? Well ... ...

I'm holding up the hill (4 km) to reach in 5:02 min / km, stretching away fast and then repeated. I do 8 + extra for a top of the hill and down the other side. Uphill shot down by the cape and the zip down on the withdrawal because there is an air of coolness that I cooled down.

This is increased from about 400 meters with about 7.5 to 8% slope, not force more time to climb because tomorrow I will go out again and even down to avoid the knee to ask me that lately gave some small negative signal. After

top of the hill for the last time, as always, the legs are light and seem to go by themselves. So here's a mini progression that leads me home until after 14Km average pace 5:20 min / km, completely wet.

Corsa Salite ripetute 20-02-2010, Passo

La frequenza cardiaca media è stata di 151bpm mentre la massima di 169bpm.

L’altimetria del percorso è questa:

Corsa Salite ripetute 20-02-2010, Altezza - Distanza

Per domani un grosso in bocca al lupo a tutti i Blogtrotters impegnati nella Maratona (o Mezza) di Giulietta e Romeo a Verona in particolar modo ai Fulminei, ma anche a chi correrà alla Mezza di Vittorio Veneto, oppure in qualsiasi altra parte d’Italia e del mondo !!!!!

Io domani invece mi limiterò a una corsa locale, ma sempre di corsa si tratta.

Ciao e alla prossima !


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