Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lipoma On Stomach Of Toddler

Ancora fango e in più anche le salite ai piedi del Grappa



Prima dell’inizio ufficiale della tabella preparatami da Gian Carlo, mi sono concesso oggi l’ultima exit "anarchist" although to be honest I had set the Garmin copying the training specified in the table for next Sunday and that is to 5min/Km 10Km + 10Km in 4:50 min / km.

But I literally got shit in a non-competitive race at the foot of Monte Grappa. ... OK, I knew it would be hilly, and also that maybe some 'mud there would be but not so well was all so much and ... . simultaneously!

Depart early in the morning as usual, to tell the truth a little 'ingroppato "from the grill last night washed down with a' good Refosco ... .. Last Sgarro before Padova.

choose the path of 20 km and now I realize that yes, it will be a hill. Continuous tear in the beginning are also nice. On the 5th, because I want to jump the rest joined a runner with a good pace. The road rears up and we hit enter. Then you get into the woods and the dirt road is replaced by a slippery clay mud. My partner and occasional misfires ago to stop the move but I pull the arm and told him not to stop. Come along for a bit more 'but then he raises the white flag. I try to resist but the slope is so much mud and the bastard.

However the climb back to the asphalt ends and friend but does not last long. Even wood, a bit 'muddy when shot down like the brake because the left knee gives me some warning and again climb. It 's impossible to take a steady pace as between uphill and downhill dirt mud must constantly adapt. Now I have to put it away and try to bring home a decent mileage. And here too ... .. The route chosen was to be 20 km from the Garmin I scored 15 and here is the sign of the last mile: in fact were a total of 16Km.

OK, that's enough for today. I hope at least I did a little 'muscle training.

here are the altitude from which you can see the ups and downs. SportTracks me indicates a maximum gradient of 42% and I think maybe he's right ... ...

Corsa Marcia di Borso del Grappa 28-02-2010, Altezza - Distanza

And tomorrow via the table by RB !

Hello and see you soon!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Example Seating Chart

Sciagurato !


Tonight fourth exit row ... .. together with my cousin Clare, a veteran from the 10th place overall at the Verona Half Marathon! It was his second half and comes out with a 1:25:28 !! Very good, and now expect the absolute standards of a cross.

Together with my cousin, just to complete the picture, there was also a friend of hers, which was a Sunday instead Volpiano (TO) to compete in the Italian championships in junior teams cross in which was ranked sixth in the 5000m test. ... Think about you ... ....

And me? Fortunately, tonight, they needed to recover and were taken out 12 km to the step of 4:48 min / km. Good feelings and I finished the round without a care with a FC average of 143bpm to levels of a slow background.

Corsa Fondo medio 23-02-2010, Passo

are also excellent Nike Skylon that these outputs are proving short truly comfortable, light and responsive.

So far, so good ... ...

get home, unloading the mail and I am starting an e-mail così:

“Ciao Gianluca, sei veramente uno sciagurato !”

Indovinate un pò di chi è ? Eh, sì, proprio lui, il Mister dei Blogtrotters, Gian Carlo alias RunnerBlade !!!!!

Infatti gli avevo chiesto una tabella per i prossimi due mesi, giusto per fare degli allenamenti sensati per la Maratona di Padova e, leggendo delle ultime mie uscite, quello sopra riportato è stato il suo commento, visto che scriteriamente ho fatto 3 uscite consecutive veloci “senza dare tempo al muscolo il tempo minimo per recuperare”……e stasera penso di avere fatto il quarto (SIC) !

Comunque la tabella è arrivata con puntualità degna della fama di RunnerBlade, quindi grazie Gian Carlo, come sempre gentile e cortese.

E adesso sotto con gli allenamenti seri !

Ciao e alla prossima !

Monday, February 22, 2010

La Sportiva Nuptse 2010

Fondo lento progressivo…..aspettando una tabella


Even today I find the time to go out and, as usual on Monday, touching me a little 'slow background. Some uncertainty about what to wear, it begins to be a little less cold but I do not feel even dare short sleeves (6.9 ° C) and off we go.

The legs do not feel entirely of dirt and mud of the past and, strange but true, the pulse is fairly low. So I'm under 145bpm to 10 ° km quietly keeping one step at around 5:07 min / Km Then I mention tired and a minimum of progression to melt a little 'legs. So accelerometers, completing around 13 km from home bringing up the overall average to 5min/Km tondi tondi.  Questo è il grafico del Garmin in cui ai primi 10Km abbastanza regolari si vede la mini progressione finale:

  Corsa Fondo lento progressivo 22-02-2010, Passo    

Sono abbastanza contento in quanto, pur avendo corso sia sabato (ripetute in salita) sia ieri (18Km tra sterrato e fango) oggi mi sembrava di avere recuperato bene (pur trattandosi di fondo lento) e anche le pulsazioni mi sono sembrate sotto controllo (FC media 145bpm, FC max 167bpm).

E adesso potrebbe arrivarmi, sperando nella cortesia e disponibilità di uno dei runnerblogger più celebri, una tabella che mi porti in condizioni sufficienti ad affrontare il April 25 Marathon St. Anthony in Padua ... ...

begin to see clearly?

Hello and see you soon!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

How Doctors Check For Ear Infections

Tra il fango spuntano le primule


Today, the fourth release of the week that included a run in the Marano Vicentino for a local non-competitive. Early morning departure from a fine mist and 0 ° C, but there should be no later than the sun.

halfway in the car, I call the Bress good luck to him for half of Verona and tells me he has with him the Killer Medium (Alvin) che si confermerà tale anche oggi.

Il sole esce subito e la temperatura percepita, complice appunto l’irraggiamento solare, è mite. La partenza, come sempre, anzi più del solito, forse anche a causa delle ripetute in salita fatte appena ieri (troppo ravvicinate !) è difficile anche se all’inizio il percorso non presenta difficoltà essendo in leggerissima discesa. Fatto sta che mi facci superare da un runner e, al contrario di come mi comporto di solito, lo lascio andare senza neanche provare a stargli dietro… ride bene chi ride ultimo !

Mi assesto attorno ai 4:50 min/Km ma subito si inizia a costeggiare l’argine del torrente Timonchio che inizialmente it's nice because the fund is frozen but gradually turns into ice cream mud bog and then a pain. In some places I can hardly stand ... .. consequently slow down and I'm happy to enjoy the sun and the landscape.

Signs of mileage are positioned a bit 'to see if and when the signal of 16 to 18, even though the Garmin tells me 14, I begin the progression. Legs feel heavy but do not give up and try to accelerate. The steeple of arrival, but it seems a little over two kilometers away, which should fail. In fact, four are missing, as Garmin, just to get to the 18 promised by the organization!

And that's okay ... in the meantime I see .. il runner che mi aveva superato all’inizio: dai che lo riacciuffo ! E infatti, a 2-300 metri dall’arrivo lo supero e mi stampo un bel sorriso in faccia: piccola soddisfazione.

E me ne torno a casa con una piantina di primule in premio, dopo aver fatto 18,35Km al passo medio di 4:52min/Km, FC media 151bpm (FC max 170bpm).

Corsa Marcia di Marano 21-02-2010, Passo  

Ciao e alla prossima !

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Milena Velba Back In The Office Avi

Salite sotto la pioggia


   Titolo un po' scontato e forse anche già utilizzato però altro non mi veniva. Oggi a metà mattina esco per l’allenamento che avrei had to do Thursday: repeated uphill. I look out the window and it does not rain ... ... more time to get dressed and come down and of course the rain started to fall again! Prudently, I put a pair of shoes that you are starting on Sunset Boulevard and the red cape that will make me sweat seven shirts.

The start is a nightmare, I have heavy legs, and yes they are two days that I run, and I can hardly breathe. Whether the fact that I have not had breakfast? Well ... ...

I'm holding up the hill (4 km) to reach in 5:02 min / km, stretching away fast and then repeated. I do 8 + extra for a top of the hill and down the other side. Uphill shot down by the cape and the zip down on the withdrawal because there is an air of coolness that I cooled down.

This is increased from about 400 meters with about 7.5 to 8% slope, not force more time to climb because tomorrow I will go out again and even down to avoid the knee to ask me that lately gave some small negative signal. After

top of the hill for the last time, as always, the legs are light and seem to go by themselves. So here's a mini progression that leads me home until after 14Km average pace 5:20 min / km, completely wet.

Corsa Salite ripetute 20-02-2010, Passo

La frequenza cardiaca media è stata di 151bpm mentre la massima di 169bpm.

L’altimetria del percorso è questa:

Corsa Salite ripetute 20-02-2010, Altezza - Distanza

Per domani un grosso in bocca al lupo a tutti i Blogtrotters impegnati nella Maratona (o Mezza) di Giulietta e Romeo a Verona in particolar modo ai Fulminei, ma anche a chi correrà alla Mezza di Vittorio Veneto, oppure in qualsiasi altra parte d’Italia e del mondo !!!!!

Io domani invece mi limiterò a una corsa locale, ma sempre di corsa si tratta.

Ciao e alla prossima !

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Milena Velba - Doctor Velba

Dopo il lungo, fondo lento e veloce


Aggiornamento flash blog, just to look a bit 'regularity, as promised at Gian Carlo ... ...

After the long 32 km on Sunday, I thought we looked good background output and slow Monday so I did 8, 5 Km quiet at 5:16 min / km. The idea was to finish the workout with a series of stretches to loosen the legs but once I hit fermatomi a nuisance under the patella in his left knee, just like a long time after fermatomi Sunday. So I wait and I finished there training.

rest yesterday and today, instead, SMS to my cousin, come and get a run? "OK, slow but the bottom because I hurt the quadriceps. Yeah, right ... ... call it the bottom slow!

Tonight was pretty hot, about 9 ° C, and then decide to use the new shirt Blogtrotters, never worn before: show!

Meeting at the usual place and away, slow background ... ... .. my cousin talk quietly, and so leaving 10.1 km pace of 4:25 min / km. However I end up with a pretty good average heart rate of 161bpm, discreet, even if the maximum reaches 176bpm. The graph of

SportTracks is this:

Corsa Fondo veloce con Chiara 17-02-2010, Passo

the 6th Km convinced my cousin to slow down a hair (we're going to 4:11 min / km ....) e per fortuna ! Domenica ha in programma la Mezza di Verona, assolutamente non preparata, viste le partecipazioni a parecchie gare di cross, ma vorrebbe provare a migliorare il suo PB di 1h e 27’ nell’unica 21Km finora corsa….In bocca al lupo !

Domani, mi piacerebbe fare ancora un po' di ripetute in salita (da circa 400m al 8%) anche perché a Padova manca ancora un po' di tempo e mi piacerebbe allungare la fase di costruzione. Cosa ne dite ?

Ciao e alla prossima !

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Book Of Genesis Chart Templates

Dopo una lunga assenza un lungo con Alvin

A un mese di distanza dall'ultimo post, non me ne sono rimasto con le gambe incrociate e dopo un gennaio con più di 200Km I started quietly in February even though to be honest last week was poor with just one outlet for reasons of time ......
I'm not following a table (and this is not good for me) but all in all I can put out the bottom of slow, repetitive climbing, and some funds fast repeated long.
After 26Km Sunday's muddy dirt roads and paths along the banks along with the Lightning, today I made a long drag from Alvin in more than 30 miles that I ran for about a year (Marathon Padova). Precisely for this reason I was quite doubtful about the success of the long and especially for the pace imposed by Alvin, a 4:50 min / km that if he is as easy as riding su una bicletta con le rotelle, per me rappresentava una grossa incognita, soprattutto sul piano della tenuta muscolare......

Va bene, proviamoci lo stesso........siamo Fulminei !

Partenza alle 7 e 30 da casa mia, Alvin arriva con già 3 Km sulle gambe mentre io mi sono fatto un mini riscaldamento sotto casa. Si temperatura è circa 0° e intorno è tutto bianco ma noi non abbiamo paura e prendiamo subito un buon passo attorno ai 4 e 40, rallentando ogni tanto per non strafare. Tra una chiacchera e l'altra i primi chilometri scorrono via veloci e arriviamo dove Alvin, previdentemente, aveva posizionato ben nascoste in un albero due borracce: sono i ristori personalizzati di due Top Runner !!!!

Ah, I forgot, the path plan is to reach Monte Berico, the shrine of Our Lady is so dear to Vicenza. The interesting thing is that you must cross to get around the historic center of Vicenza (and that's why I wore the tank top yellow lightning!) And face a flight of about one km with an inclination of more than 15 %..... .. but we'll get there.

Now we are on the bike path that will bring us up to Vicenza, we cross a few fields and maintaining a steady speed as high as 12 ° Km where you expect my wife Helga with the rest: two beautiful bottles of water, obviously custom.

Photo Rite (the beginning of post) and restarted.

Now we are entering in Vicenza and in a few km we arrive in Corso Palladio, the main street of the historic center. After a bevutina (ice) to the fountain in front of the Teatro Olimpico we shoot the paving of the course, a slight climb where I began to feel that even two calves, we deviate to the Piazza dei Signori, where you're taking the Flea Market, a cross Campo Marzio desolate and take the climb that will take us to Mount Berico ......

Alvin it has a lot and let it go: I'll see you in Christ!

The climb is tiring but all in all well over the pass and short Alvin ...... in the meantime has already taken a drink!

fact Helga here waiting for us with water and we take advantage ....... Alvin tries with a high energy bar 5cm but surrender immediately and trash. We are not made for doping!
Here we are in Monte Berico with the basilica in the background ......

We get a nice scenic ride from Vicenza travel admiring and reversed course 180 degrees (I'm at 16km while Alvin has already made 19).
Monte Berico and take the salute down .......

The descent is easy and exhilarating, even if Alvin has the courage to say that we made it more slow climb, maybe you tell him yes !!!!!!!
fact is that we take good rhythm and go through the whole course at a good pace. We reach the 20th Km without any problems even if actually begin to feel a little tired calves.
cross a roundabout in the middle of the road (Power Running) waving like two crazy people that Helga is waiting ....... but!

Alvin And that's when she saw a little tired, started to tell a series of episodes and anecdotes of his past, including fines, après-ski and licenses, making me go a little more the last few kilometers. We reach Cavazzale (25.5 km) and I still feel well, we're keeping the 4:50 min / km.

Alvin is in great shape and would still like to talk a picnic .....
arrive at the 30th km and within a crisis ..... but it should be? I think it also fair .........
Free Alvin that goes like a bullet, now will more than 38Km at ease. In Treviso will look great.
But I do and I no longer have the last 2 km to home at 5 and 15 (all in all not bad) but now it's okay. I had to do 30km and I have done 32, I had to do it in 4:50 (as Alvin) and I made them at 4:52, by which is not bad, even with the final darkness ........

now I have to decide to unbalanced: Padova Marathon? Maybe .........

publishing the chart breaks and altimetry that for a long 32Km was a bit special.

Dimenticavo, la frequenza cardiaca media è stata di 158bpm.

Ciao e alla prossima !