Dopo una lunga assenza un lungo con Alvin
A un mese di distanza dall'ultimo post, non me ne sono rimasto con le gambe incrociate e dopo un gennaio con più di 200Km I started quietly in February even though to be honest last week was poor with just one outlet for reasons of time ......
I'm not following a table (and this is not good for me) but all in all I can put out the bottom of slow, repetitive climbing, and some funds fast repeated long.
After 26Km Sunday's muddy dirt roads and paths along the banks along with the Lightning, today I made a long drag from Alvin in more than 30 miles that I ran for about a year (Marathon Padova). Precisely for this reason I was quite doubtful about the success of the long and especially for the pace imposed by Alvin, a 4:50 min / km that if he is as easy as riding su una bicletta con le rotelle, per me rappresentava una grossa incognita, soprattutto sul piano della tenuta muscolare......
Va bene, proviamoci lo stesso........siamo Fulminei !
Partenza alle 7 e 30 da casa mia, Alvin arriva con già 3 Km sulle gambe mentre io mi sono fatto un mini riscaldamento sotto casa. Si temperatura è circa 0° e intorno è tutto bianco ma noi non abbiamo paura e prendiamo subito un buon passo attorno ai 4 e 40, rallentando ogni tanto per non strafare. Tra una chiacchera e l'altra i primi chilometri scorrono via veloci e arriviamo dove Alvin, previdentemente, aveva posizionato ben nascoste in un albero due borracce: sono i ristori personalizzati di due Top Runner !!!!
Ah, I forgot, the path plan is to reach Monte Berico, the shrine of Our Lady is so dear to Vicenza. The interesting thing is that you must cross to get around the historic center of Vicenza (and that's why I wore the tank top yellow lightning!) And face a flight of about one km with an inclination of more than 15 %..... .. but we'll get there.
Now we are on the bike path that will bring us up to Vicenza, we cross a few fields and maintaining a steady speed as high as 12 ° Km where you expect my wife Helga with the rest: two beautiful bottles of water, obviously custom.
Photo Rite (the beginning of post) and restarted.
Now we are entering in Vicenza and in a few km we arrive in Corso Palladio, the main street of the historic center. After a bevutina (ice) to the fountain in front of the Teatro Olimpico we shoot the paving of the course, a slight climb where I began to feel that even two calves, we deviate to the Piazza dei Signori, where you're taking the Flea Market, a cross Campo Marzio desolate and take the climb that will take us to Mount Berico ...... Alvin it has a lot and let it go: I'll see you in Christ!
The climb is tiring but all in all well over the pass and short Alvin ...... in the meantime has already taken a drink!
fact Helga here waiting for us with water and we take advantage ....... Alvin tries with a high energy bar 5cm but surrender immediately and trash. We are not made for doping!
Here we are in Monte Berico with the basilica in the background ......
We get a nice scenic ride from Vicenza travel admiring and reversed course 180 degrees (I'm at 16km while Alvin has already made 19).
Monte Berico and take the salute down .......
The descent is easy and exhilarating, even if Alvin has the courage to say that we made it more slow climb, maybe you tell him yes !!!!!!!
fact is that we take good rhythm and go through the whole course at a good pace. We reach the 20th Km without any problems even if actually begin to feel a little tired calves.
cross a roundabout in the middle of the road (Power Running) waving like two crazy people that Helga is waiting ....... but!
Alvin And that's when she saw a little tired, started to tell a series of episodes and anecdotes of his past, including fines, après-ski and licenses, making me go a little more the last few kilometers. We reach Cavazzale (25.5 km) and I still feel well, we're keeping the 4:50 min / km.
Alvin is in great shape and would still like to talk a picnic .....
arrive at the 30th km and within a crisis ..... but it should be? I think it also fair .........
Free Alvin that goes like a bullet, now will more than 38Km at ease. In Treviso will look great.
But I do and I no longer have the last 2 km to home at 5 and 15 (all in all not bad) but now it's okay. I had to do 30km and I have done 32, I had to do it in 4:50 (as Alvin) and I made them at 4:52, by which is not bad, even with the final darkness ........
now I have to decide to unbalanced: Padova Marathon? Maybe .........
publishing the chart breaks and altimetry that for a long 32Km was a bit special.
Dimenticavo, la frequenza cardiaca media è stata di 158bpm.
Ciao e alla prossima !