Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is Jelly Belly Bad For You

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I would like to clarify some aspects about our cycling.
We are a team of many people, sometimes you can not go out in groups, sometimes less sometimes there are those who prefer to go out alone. Things that are entirely normal for cyclists. I think it is clear that for most ports is nice to get out of us all together, at least in sufficient number to be considered "large."
to avoid, such as last Sunday, at every crossroad and intersection, someone proposes an alternative route, we decide the first path, so as to remain together, united in the fun that is the basis of our biking adventures. This is the only goal, then obviously everyone is free to do what he wants. It would be nice through the blog, forum or e-mail proponeste paths you wish.
Nothing remains then that it is also nice looking improvise, when possible, to make decisions that will not leave and many return to a few groups of people or alone.
reiterate the fact that the rides made in recent years have been characterized by its beautiful places visited and the most welcome of all the company present.
thanks and greetings to all.


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