Abstract: the article was published on the website of Bikeride.it.
'to road users that use other means than the car is not explicitly forbidden to move, more simply, are enabled to feel unwelcome guests: the roads are designed depending on the car and no other means. Even on the rules there is a difference in both acquired and chronic treatments as unfair. The Highway Code, for example, prohibits overtaking at crossings and center lines and requires continuous operation this is done carefully, ie by adjusting its speed to that of the vehicle in front and pointing to the time the maneuver ' indicator. Think of how many times these rules are broken when the vehicle overtaken is a bicycle, incalculable, and how many times these infringements are detected by the police, almost never. Perhaps because it is widely thought that cyclists are citizens unimportant and that impede traffic. Indeed, seen from inside a car, the right of way claimed by a cyclist, even though sacred, it becomes an entitlement. And then, go passed the cyclist in traffic on principle, not out of necessity. Slow down because the car goes above plan does not make him nervous as before because there is a bicycle, slow down due to a cyclist rode the motorist, he feels cheated out of a non-sanctioned by the highway code but is allowed for the intrinsic divine. It must be admitted that, in fact, cyclists are road users Series B. Yet the road is for all of the fast and slow, cumbersome and of the swift, of casual and clumsy, and if a car is forced to slow down due to the presence of a cyclist, in fact, not plaintiffs, but pays the price for the sharing of space and of coexistence, the same price that is charged when the cyclist breathing smog and is deafened by traffic noise. I agree on one fact: cyclists should disappear from the streets of cars, give us bike lanes and we take the trouble '.
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