Monday, January 31, 2011

Can Police Lights Give Seizure


   Uscita bagnata......uscita sfortunata !!!!    
 Anche se le previsioni ci avevano avvertito che il meteo non sarebbe stato clemente, non siamo riusciti to resist looking, when we wake, the road surface dry seeds, so we ventured to Lanciano. Actually for the first 70 of the 100 km in total we also managed to stay dry then the height of Francavilla we were surprised that there has dropped out of the water until our return home! 
  Just vicno home Loris P. took in a pit full of water camouflaged by folding the rear rim, things happen !!!!! (IN ITALY).  
 Already this beautiful country, or rather what is left of it, where among the many problems that we have added a condition of the roads are extremely bad and dangerous. The road surface is rebuilt only if you are under the election or the passage of one stage of the Tour of Italy. Of course, the work performed is done so badly that after a very short time everything is back to be redone. On 
 Quattroruote a few months ago there was a nice article entitled "La banda del Buco, where accused, rightly, the agencies and companies that performed work on our streets, or rather, our" mule " ...... 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Panasonic Air Filter Cleaning Tv

GF CONERO (Cinelli) Ancona - Sunday March 13, 2011

As mentioned in the 'Calendar' Sunday, March 13, 2011 will be held in the Gran Fondo del Conero Ancona. The
Cral Angelini Abruzzo organize your participation in this event nationwide.
All the details for inclusion on the poster attached, we recommend that those wishing to participate to send everything you need within the period specified.

Link of the event:

Does It Hurt To Do Laser On A Brazilian

Give us bike lanes and remove the noise

Abstract: the article was published on the website of

'to road users that use other means than the car is not explicitly forbidden to move, more simply, are enabled to feel unwelcome guests: the roads are designed depending on the car and no other means. Even on the rules there is a difference in both acquired and chronic treatments as unfair. The Highway Code, for example, prohibits overtaking at crossings and center lines and requires continuous operation this is done carefully, ie by adjusting its speed to that of the vehicle in front and pointing to the time the maneuver ' indicator. Think of how many times these rules are broken when the vehicle overtaken is a bicycle, incalculable, and how many times these infringements are detected by the police, almost never. Perhaps because it is widely thought that cyclists are citizens unimportant and that impede traffic. Indeed, seen from inside a car, the right of way claimed by a cyclist, even though sacred, it becomes an entitlement. And then, go passed the cyclist in traffic on principle, not out of necessity. Slow down because the car goes above plan does not make him nervous as before because there is a bicycle, slow down due to a cyclist rode the motorist, he feels cheated out of a non-sanctioned by the highway code but is allowed for the intrinsic divine. It must be admitted that, in fact, cyclists are road users Series B. Yet the road is for all of the fast and slow, cumbersome and of the swift, of casual and clumsy, and if a car is forced to slow down due to the presence of a cyclist, in fact, not plaintiffs, but pays the price for the sharing of space and of coexistence, the same price that is charged when the cyclist breathing smog and is deafened by traffic noise. I agree on one fact: cyclists should disappear from the streets of cars, give us bike lanes and we take the trouble '.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rf Online How To Make Type C Excelsiar

A long Gaza Strip from here to Pluto Output

Abstract: the article was published on the website of, the style is very "strong", "hard" at times, but read it with care and passion e. ..... understand.

What is an edge of the road? The side of the road!
And then? The place beyond the asphalt and side of guardrail. And then? The place where one day the car left me on foot. And then? The place to bring billboards.
If only for once, without a reason, you stop the car by the roadside, not because you heard a strange noise coming from the bonnet or because you have to pee or because they drive so well that the child is sick, and not because there's a fantastic panorama. If I tried, so, for no reason, to escape from the comfortable self-propelled cage bought in installments. But not at a pitch stops, they do it all and all for leaving a trace. If you'd stop right where would not occur to anyone. But not when you're on vacation and you have nothing to do, then you're not quite yourself, and you're not angry enough, you would not be critical even on your mother-in-law. Stop when you get to work, one day you're late, in that place that you know what you think as you walk, do not you know what, you do not know why, but this place makes you think. Stop. Get out. Alive. 'll see that the edge of road I walk every single day is not a wall of silent theater and odorless. In fact, he knows the earth and asphalt, shit and combustion gases. Not surprised, no, rather annoyed. Do not go back in the car, hold on, even if you late and the shirt will not stick on him, give up your captive for a few minutes. Try breathing without pollen filter, quiet, air circulation does not tarnish the windows, breathe. You hear a dog barking in the distance do you think they will soon be to attack and that is the only living thing within a radius of 3 km. Poor deluded , know that there are 37 lizards, snakes and a pair of a whole family of hedgehogs country looking your every move, not to mention a one thousand dung flies, bees terricolous, bugs hay and horse flies, and, lucky for you, spineless as you are, none of these horrible beasts can be dangerous. But you, evolved animal, you can only see the colony of plastic bags that inhabit the natural vegetation. Meanwhile dog approached and looks at you. Tail straight, one ear cocked, and the other floppy. Now jumping on their front legs out straight . Do not ask why you're there, wait, is not the time. Try to take some steps along the roadside , try looking at the world through the eyes of that dog. Here it is, the roar is strong, threatening, bully, it's just a small car but at 100 times frightening. There is a hole in the tire assist in snapping a whip asphalt and moving the earth, you are hit by a heavy breath, from a human cold, scorching heat, chemically poisonous. Note that a heavy steel box in his trudge against nature on a flat ribbon of bitumen to art from other animals like you, evolved, and you will feel ashamed. One hundred meters ahead is a dead dog of medium size swells rot looks like a bagpipe, a little further if they guess another, older, reduced to a doormat. Are traces of a war fought every day, everywhere, without reports, without echoes, without deaths or injuries that are worthy of note. The motive is still the same, the claim of possession of a territory, right to exploitation and occupation. That's a road made by men for us to run their boxes iron. It 's so for a century and so it will be for eternity. You notice that the carpet along the edges of asphalt is corroded, perforated by grass and flowers, attacked by the slow but inexorable nature of metabolism that, spite of our conservative nature, places an end to every thing in order to perpetuate itself. The end is eternity, however, only seen in a different, less individualistic, in a broader context and harmonious, more natural.
So. What is an edge of the road? A limit, a boundary line, a trench. And then? A garbage dump, a landfill open, a latrine, a mass grave. And then? It 's a lane that is not there, it is best reserved for those who scansino, the slow, those that are not keeping pace, the nerds, the people on the margins, the street people who do not even is the master of that.
And then? You can find us stray animals, stray souls, poor bastards who like sweat, breathe and be touched by the miasma racing cars. Risk and then complain, like the one in miniskirts who was raped, I looked for the six, who are you complaining about? And then? Can you find a damaged car, damaged people, girls who are selling the illusion of a man to enjoy while you rent for three minutes on a pig.
And then? Next, what edge of a road? It 's the true boundary between the human being and mother nature, the place to relegate the world and at the same time , the threshold of our ghetto, a long strip of Gaza from here to Pluto.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Canadian Dental Hygienist Work In Us

started another little time away from racing ...

Filed then cross Olbia and the second race of the year, now I wait a few weeks away from shooting to start. I wanted to participate in at least another game at the weekend but some commitments will keep me at home. Never mind, from March onwards, there will be fun and that's plenty of choice. Currently I have almost nothing to report, but what I feel is important: the legs seem to have little cross on Sunday accused (but not much compared to Corrincentro) and especially the left leg has a slight pain in the twins and is situated in the middle. But never fear, pain in a mere list of already known and harmless. Instead, on the other hand, I'm really glad of a good feeling in the output of yesterday and lasted for half an hour. Very lightly, indeed needed! Arrived at this point what I wanted to throw down I've already written and I think it interesting to let the fact noted in this post, in leafing through old notebooks I am running the same feelings and pain in the last year (including the annoying tingling in the foot destro che sparisce in primavera e che mi accompagna certe volte in allenamento per alcuni tratti). Questo inizio anno però è stato meno traumatico e segno in bilancio 75 km in positivo negli stessi 25 giorni. Ottimo.

Per ora non ho proprio nient'altro da dire e vi auguro buone corse! Io vado un altro po in vacanza da competizioni. Ciaooooo!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Wedding Favor Sayings

for all runners reflection .. Regional

Oggi sono veramente immerso in un dubbio, e non ve lo nascondo, molto amareggiato. Anche ieri come è successo alcune volte, e come è normale che succeda, mi sono ritrovato ad essere da solo o con alcuni compagni di società, in numero inferiore a quello degli iscritti della società di appartenenza. Malattie, lavoro, impegni, etc rendono questo una normalità. Forse solo da noi, o magari in tutta Italia e non ne sono a conoscenza (qualcuno me lo può spiegare?) c'è questo modo di fare: ritiro della busta di società con i pettorali, dietro pagamento della cifra totale degli iscritti. Adesso io dico, alle gare serie dove partecipano 10000 persone e più, a tante gare che si svolgono anche in Sardegna stessa, questa cosa è assolutamente sconosciuta e il pettorale lo danno singolarmente anche con pagamento sul posto. Esiste il ritiro del pettorale! adesso io dico ancora: perchè cavolo io devo pagare per gli altri per avere questa busta? se un atleta non partecipa deve pagare lo stesso l'iscrizione e la tassa Fidal? e perchè la deve pay his boyfriend comes to pick the chest as a single person? I honestly see something wrong here, I seem to be the victim of a system with this way can easily retrieve the money. If a company has members in locations across the country (and can not agree to raise the figure above) at a distance of many kilometers from each other and these members are involved in many different competitions in that territory, and one of these races out of five members of this hypothetical race, for example, which costs 12 €, 4 missing? why the hell should I pay 60 €!! because !!!!!!!!?????? I think a huge mistake that only serves to simplify the job. But the customer is always right and frankly I pay and I have to be served well. I do not want to wait until ten minutes before the race that you distribute, moved by compassion that I do not want, I open the envelope and give me the number and only pay 12 euro. And often the climate is that if you do not pay all the expenses you do not compete. In short, the problems they must resolve who pays for the service and does not seem right. It takes respect for those who keep up the walking.

How Fast Does Melanoma Attack

Sunday, January 23, 2011

      chains on board  
Although the landscape was covered with snow all team members could not resist and have ventured through the streets for the customary practice, those who bike (Milvio and Antonio Federico and who in bdc (Loris P.) and enjoy beautiful views obviously suffering a bit 'low temperatures, but you know' ............ cycling is also the sacrifice!!
( Link other photos )
PS Small treat for fans, we had the pleasure of riding with one of our samples which neighbors Danilo Di Luca, who had just returned from the retreat with the new Team Katiusha e lo abbiamo immortalato in una delle prime uscite con la nuova divisa e la nuova bici (FOCUS) con la quale correrà quest'anno.
   (Articolo di Loris Perfetti)   

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Origin And History Of Chorizo

individual cross Olbia - 5.4 k 21 'IV ^

Back from the individual regional championships in cross Olbia, I feel quite serene. I have not even really understand how I went, the cross is out of my patterns: to understand, better or worse than Corrincentro a week ago? Let's say I made less effort to run. The two days of rest I should have put more on him. I really want to run fast. The fact I start out very well and do not risk some nasty adventure in a curve to the left and right angle, which was waiting for the runners over a pool located in the middle path. From here the route soon becomes hectic, a succession of left-right large and very short straights, where to push. I also remember a little hump in compact sand and some other easily avoidable puddle. Then like last time, but a little 'later start to yield and has been passed by many athletes to stabilize in the standings. Nothing fancy this time either, just a good 21 'which gives me 3'53''/ km. Not bad! With even a little on the final sprint came quietly.

This time, the acceleration time I did not expect. Perhaps I could say that last night I decided to go better in Corrincentro. These thoughts are enlightening and tomorrow I will have more clear ideas. To return to the course, describe the beauty of the path of Olbia, housed inside the park Fausto Noce, is impossible. Too diverse. I first tell you the key technical data and you must trust my word for the scenario: 4 turns and 1350 meters session (3 garmin as a source) and all flat. All around anything but boring indeed very funny, very inspiring. I started to remember it in full only at the last ring. It was too fast despite the slowdown of the curves and the mud by the rains. On dry days it would it would be a beauty. But the mud was not at all annoying. With a little 'attention I managed to stay on my feet and avoid slipping.

So I'm just glad I had good feelings. There is, alas, only the stiffness and breath that will not go away, but at this time if there were would be too good! The 2nd cross of my life archiviato ottimamente e mi fa allontanare gli spettri di San Saturnino dell’anno scorso. Se metto a confronto le due campestri, e adotto il periodo gennaio-febbraio come criterio base di confronto, (odierna e del 2010) mi ritengo soddisfatto. Devo anche dire che oggi mi ha fatto piacere ritornare a Olbia e rivedere il parco e alcuni amici con cui mi sono prolungato in lunghe chiacchierate. Certo, purtroppo la giornata è iniziata meteorologicamente avversa ma sul finale, con le gare assolute, si è aperta, e ha fatto intravedere del sole. Spero quindi di tornare dagli amici PAO di Olbia il prima possibile per qualche altra fantastica competizione ricca di tantissimi atleti di tutte le categorie come è stato oggi a questi campionati regionali Individual (all, really all there!). Finally, I thank the various people who have encouraged me along the way, I was really pleased. I hope as soon as possible (for athletes) of quid pro quo!
I leave for 2 more meaningful pictures. Good races.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Milena Velba Sleeping

Visto il periodo di tesseramento, in tanti abbiamo bisogno di fare la prova da sforzo per attività agonistica.
Ricordiamo che gli accertamenti e le certificazioni di idoneità all’attività sportiva agonistica possono essere effettuati esclusivamente da strutture autorizzate,quali :
• Servizi pubblici di medicina.dello sport (ASL)
• Centri riconosciuti della F.M.S.I.
• University Centers of sports medicine

centers used to issue this certification are in the Province of Pescara in the structures listed in Annex (notified CONI).
Regarding Chieti include:
- Sports Medicine, located in the old SS Annunziata Hospital, Tel 0871/358545
- Adriatic Centre for Sports Medicine, Casoli (Chieti), Tel 0872981976

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Easiest Place In Brooklyn To Take Road Test

Not About the Bike ... Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Cral Angelini Abruzzo organizes:
'Waiting for Valentine's Day' "Feast of Love"
Sunday, February 13, 2011 ore 20:00, presso Ristorante Dragonara, San Giovanni Teatino (CH). Tutti i particolari sulla locandina allegata.

Poi non si dica che noi ciclisti amiamo solo le biciclette.....

Monday, January 17, 2011

Epsomsalt Bath And Twins

CORRINCENTRO 24'58''- 6.260 km

First race of the year. With the fourth edition CORRINCENTRO (organized with the help of my new company membership, Podistica Sassari) back from the crowd and throw myself into the fray. This is a special race for me. One can almost speak of my nemesis, my punishment I inflict the car. I never felt comfortable, although I like it very much. The chili that I take during the winter and the type of workout that I do not at this time I am making. In three editions have improved the time on these 6260, only 28 meters.'' 19 seconds from the previous year and 9 seconds in 2010 compared to 2009. Yesterday only 3'59''/ km on average. What can I say, not very happy after the race despite the awareness, but very happy at home when I checked the time. I can almost say it: this year are a little better shape than last year (although last year it rained and it was cold ....). It 's the first test. Yesterday morning a friend M60 even talked about it as the first task in class and I really like this metaphor. Let's say I got 6 - aspiring to a 6 +. I thought something better (3'55''/ km - 3'50''/ km) but this is the verdict. The race was a continual uncovering. Check out the rhythms that I had used the last race of Orani just to see the effect it does and after the first round of 2 km of the planned 3 will undergo a steady decline.

Even during the match one is surprised to see me back. They say that I did not breath. Say, potevo parlare ma l’aria non arrivava ai muscoli. Le gambe invece si gonfiavano e sembravano sacchi di cemento, cariche come di lavori in palestra appena eseguiti. Sicuramente i km che sto facendo mi hanno tolto qualcosa. Ma continuo così, va bene. Ora farò sicuramente una campestre e poi avrò un altro stop dalle gare per febbraio. Sempre che non esca qualcosa di interessante. Ma torniamo alla manifestazione. E’ stata una bella giornata. Faceva talmente tanto sole che mi stavo per bruciare il viso. Alle 13 non si sopportava più la felpa. La piazza nel corso della mattinata si è riempita di gente e la Corrincentro è stata un successone (la foto che vi propongo a fine post non rende l'idea perchè è scattata molto presto già we can see something). Most members certainly with much margin. Very good organization. And 'I firmly believe that this year there was a further leap in quality. In short, everything was so so perfect that it was hard to wait for departure. It was a wish to leave immediately and enjoy the central act. Then store the day positively, this appointment should not be missed: it is a must-start of the year. The classic in January. And even if I do I run the subdued, too beautiful, perfect for this period. And 'the race of the winter home.

Intitle : I-catcher Console - Web Monitor

Output Output

Una mattinata all'inizio un pò nebbiosa, poi salendo un pò, dalle parti di Tollo, si è aperto il cielo ed il sole ci ha accompagnato. Tante persone alla partenza poi purtroppo ci siamo divisi, comunque abbiamo fatto un bel giro anche se non siamo riusciti a fare tutti i chilometri che ci eravamo prefissati, sarà per la prossima volta.

Grazie a tutti per la participation, Greetings.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Make A Medusa Wig Online

Sunday - December 16, 2011

Gentlemen, usual place, bar, meeting at 9:00, starting as soon as possible. It is recommended
We offer this tour we called "Hills Wine Chietino" as you pass by the most famous wine cellars of the province, but we can change it or change it without problems.
All the parts in hand. Within a very large fund start races and then begin to increase the mileage.
The proposed route should be asphalt in good condition, unlike that of the Valley Forum which is increasingly dysfunctional.
Also Sunday at 16 Broad, will host a Cicloraduno 9:30 am, in memory of victims of Lamezia Terme, those interested can find all the info at this link .
Greetings to all.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Indoor Shuffleboard Demensions

We return to the races ...

come back soon to do some races. I must say that I miss enough. But after a couple of months away from racing I did a sort of habit. I rediscovered the pleasure of getting what I wanted, the good feelings, just from training. But now that winter has finally begun, and there will only be endured in February, he began to feel a desire in the depths of the stomach, a desire to return to racing in a race. I hope to start with good evidence. I have nothing to aim at, I just want to be at the levels of last year this time. They are almost certain to be even above, but be at least equal to mean I'll do a good year already and leave a good point. This year, however, is what is left. There will always be to improve the timing of the classic races in which I participate, maybe do a better half, maybe if you go below 1 hour and 20 will be difficult? For now I would not make predictions. Experiment with a little idea in my head and see if it gives its fruits. I have a few sights in the drawer on certain races of sardines, but they are so distant that for now I still not very stimulating. From Sea to Mountain Poglina on the track - Villanova is not even yet on the calendar. How strange, I started to run to participate in that race and I did it only once! Should have essere 3. Comunque, mi limito ad iniziare a guardarle già da adesso ma con un binocolo. Per quanto riguarda la ultramaratona Trail a Macomer verso ottobre ci sto già lavorando, diciamo che stò prendendo appunti, cerco di capire se ci sia un obbiettivo realizzabile. L'anno scorso avrei voluto farla dopo la Pistoia Abetone ma ho lasciato perdere, sarebbe stato troppo azzardato, così come partecipare alla recente maratona di Pisa. Quindi, l'unica cosa a cui miro in questo momento è di mettere da parte più km del solito e scendere un pochino di peso. Ultimamente mi è presa molta emozione guardando la pagina del Passatore. Questa 100km! che bella che è! me ne sto innamorando poco a poco. Per ora è la cotta giovanile che dovrà prendere fuoco da adulto.

Ma torniamo alla realtà della Sardegna: forse farò una campestre o due, vediamo che ne esce fuori. Sono sicuro che farò tanta fatica ma sarà un buon modo per tenermi leggermente attivo nella velocità. Da febbraio invece vorrei poter fare qualche bella gara lunga e un po difficile, ma il calendario non offre molto. Un po mi dispiace, ma non fa niente, andrò a trovare le montagne qui intorno e farò in ogni caso tutte le corse più corte. Per il resto vorrei poter tornare a Pistoia, rifare l'Abetone. In questo periodo ci riflettevo un po. Ho perso molta resistenza, certi chilometraggi bisogna tenerseli stretti o si perdono con molta facilità. Motivo per cui quella gara mi scary. Why I want to do it again. Those 50 km attracts me a lot and if I think about what I could do if we do not come back with clarity the individual final. It could go badly, how could there be an improvement. The vision of that day and in general this year is currently running track still cloudy. I feel like in the picture of the sphinx. It gives the idea of \u200b\u200bmy current state ... I can not explain, if not with that image.

for now so I think the only CORRINCENTRO which is this Sunday. First race of the year:)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is Jelly Belly Bad For You

Upcoming Releases Latest events

I would like to clarify some aspects about our cycling.
We are a team of many people, sometimes you can not go out in groups, sometimes less sometimes there are those who prefer to go out alone. Things that are entirely normal for cyclists. I think it is clear that for most ports is nice to get out of us all together, at least in sufficient number to be considered "large."
to avoid, such as last Sunday, at every crossroad and intersection, someone proposes an alternative route, we decide the first path, so as to remain together, united in the fun that is the basis of our biking adventures. This is the only goal, then obviously everyone is free to do what he wants. It would be nice through the blog, forum or e-mail proponeste paths you wish.
Nothing remains then that it is also nice looking improvise, when possible, to make decisions that will not leave and many return to a few groups of people or alone.
reiterate the fact that the rides made in recent years have been characterized by its beautiful places visited and the most welcome of all the company present.
thanks and greetings to all.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Can Peroxide Kill Hiv On Contact

A nice big group yesterday at the meeting for the exit, climb "hard" to Ari, given the period of form not exactly brilliant. Too bad that about half way we crumbled, the next time you decide your route before you respect and in every way.

Record last hour, Our Danilo Di Luca has signed for the team Katusha, run free, just hit based on the results, DANILO FORCE!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Enlarged Uterus And Genitial Herpes

November 2010 and December 2010

November 1: 8k at 4'16''/ km
November 3: 3k to 3'53''/ km + 5 '+ rec 800 3'31''/ km + 3 'rec + 800 at 3'26''/ 3'57''800 + km / km
November 4: 4'10''to 8.5 km / km + 5 '+ 2.5 km walk quietly
November 5: 4-3k '/ 1k + km in 3'33''/ km + 4' to 3'28''rec 1k + / km + 4 'rec + 1k to 3'28''' / 2k + km in 4'10'' / km
November 6: 8k at 4'22''/
November 8 km: 4'15''to 6 km / km + 1.5 km peaceful
November 9: 4'23''to 9.4 km / km
November 11: 15.3 km 4'26''/ km with two climbs Osilo.
November 12: 4 km in 4'15''/ km
November 14: Race Orani, 7.250 km to 4 '/ km
November 15: 8 km in 4'37''/ km
November 18: 8.5 km at 4'11''/ 5 km '2.5 km walking + quiet
November 20: 8 km in 4'13''/ km
November 26: 4km at 4'13''/ km + 2.5 km in 4'36''/ km
November 27: 4k to 4'10''/ km + 3 'rec + 4.540 km in 4'30''/ km
November 29: 8.530 km in 4'27''/ km with recovery of 3' in the 25th minute
November 30: 8.5 km in 4'16 ''/ km with stops recovery of 3 'to the 16th and 26th minutes
December 2: 4'20''to 8.8 km / km
December 4: 4'18''to 5.6 km / km
December 5: 15.3 km 4'17''/ km
December 7: 4'15''to 5.6 km / km
December 8: 4'16''to 8.5 km / km
December 10: 15.2 km in 4'19''/ km
December 11: 8km to 4'23''/ km
December 13: 18.2 km in 4'36''/ km (3 climbs Osilo)
15 December: 14,3 km 4'22''/ km 2 'rec 35th minute
December 16: 8 km in 4'25 ''/ km
December 20: 4'11''to 5.6 km / km 2 with a stop 'at the 12th minute
22 December: 13,8 km 4'22''/ km 2 rec' to 42nd minute
December 23: 11km 4'23''/ km
24 December: 14.85 km in 4'32''/ km
December 26: 10 km slow
December 27: 5.8 km to 4 '23''/ km
December 28, 4'14''to 8.5 km / km 2 with recovery of 'the 25th minute
29 December: 11,5 km 4'21''/ km
December 30: 8km to 4'21''/ km
31 December: 20,7 km 4'21''/ km