Thursday, March 25, 2010

How Do I Make A 3-d Shingles Virus?

Maratona....arrivederci !

The decision was painful, but certainly the right order.
Nothing Marathon Padova.
But the Marathon is only a goodbye .......

Hello and see you soon!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cervical Mucus And Cramping

Così così….

ends a week today that I do not know framing. So, after the long 33km last Sunday, after all discreet, I found myself in a mini legacy contracture in his right calf. The Monday, however, are still going to run to slow to 10km of skiing with some extension in the final 5:07. Some self-massage with arnica and some mild stretching and Tuesday I was back in strada per delle variazioni sui 1000m. Come sempre sono in compagnia di mia cugina e della sua amica (seconda di categoria oggi nei 10000 alla StraVicenza in 41’44”). Entrambe sono un po' sottotono e mi guardano male quando spiego loro che devo fare i tratti veloci a 4:25……mah ! Io mi sono già fatto 4Km di riscaldamento e partiamo tranquilli……io tiro la compagnia: non lo avessi mai fatto ! In mia cugina si risveglia lo spirito agonistico e non ce n’è più per nessuno……Va così a finire che passa al comando e facciamo i quattro mille previsti con ritmi attorno ai 4:15 con l’ultimo a 4:00……..sorprendentemente però ne ho ancora e così faccio gli ultimi 4km around 5:00 with the last km ay 4:35. In total then 16Km.

Wednesday and Thursday I decided to rest the calf and in fact returns to normal.

Friday, a quiet exit end at 5:00 it becomes a pain ... ... my fault. In fact, driving home from work, I do groped by a protein bar that will be divided into two sections planted respectively in a left side and one on his stomach. Porto still at home at 5:04 11Km, in line with the table.

brings us to today, Sunday . Planned to do 20km in 10km at 5:00 and 4:50 at 10km. I decide to go for the non-competitive Thiene where last year I made the last long before Treviso 32Km. But I would not do a lot of climbs in the first instance and so I choose the path from 12Km to see what it is ... .... Obviously go up!

In fact there is only one rose from about 3 km, but with a maximum gradient of 18%, out of breath. Oh well, I do and the media goes to hell. Downhill will get some 'even if the bottom is slimy and go conservative. In a final extension hair and improves the average of the first 10km (5:17). I start the second lap and I could choose the path of 7 km (nearly flat), but with the instinct autolesionista riprendo il giro dei 12Km. E quando sta ricominciando la salita indovinate un po' chi incontro ? Il TOSTO !!!!! Ma non di corsa…..Infatti si stava facendo scarrozzare dall’auto di servizio per ritornare alla partenza in quanto ancora alle prese con il problema al tendine di Achille……In bocca al lupo Tosto !!!!

Corsa Caminada de Thiene (24Km) 21-03-2010, Altezza - Distanza

Io invece continuo, stavolta affronto la salita con più calma così arrivo in cima più facilmente, tanto so che dopo il percorso permette un po' di recupero. E invece in discesa non recupero quasi niente e finisco i secondi 10km at the same pace of the first 10 (5:17). But to get me to miss other four (12 +12-20 = 4!) All in the plan and then launch a mini sprint with the last few kilometers to the media reporting 4:22 to 5:00 min / km.

The legs are pretty tough but in the end, the fault of the climb but also my fault ... ..

And the best part is that when I get home, Helga asks me "How many miles have you done?" And I "24, with a little 'to go up." And you, I check the table of Gian Carlo yells at me "But Gianluca! Follow the table no! Well ... .... "So, Gian Carlo, do not scold me too ... ...

E domenica prossima in programma ho il lunghissimo da 37Km, forse farò bene a essere un po' più diligente questa settimana……  

Ciao e alla prossima !

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Denise Milani Wikipedia Phone Number

E adesso il gioco si fa duro


image0015 Oggi primo lungo programmato per Padova. A dire il vero, mi ero già sciroppato 32 Km con Alvin un mese fa, ma in totale anarchia e senza un piano ben preciso. Adesso invece ho per la mani un tabella e per seguirla fedelmente avrei dovuto fare 32-34Km senza sgarrare a 5 min/Km.

Partenza non tanto di buon mattino ma con un piacevole diversivo: oggi anche Helga sarà della partita e infatti alla fine she has done her good 10Km.

Destination: San Pietro di Rosa (VI) in the march of Cavina, flat as a board and already tested last year in view of the Treviso Marathon. I decide to make the path from one to 10 and then 20 km, extending to the end to reach the Km in the program.

During the first 5-6km, as I always do the appeal of the flaws: left knee, I have it, fasciitis, I have it ... .. etc, in short, a complaining! Fortunately, to the 7-8 ° Km I join two friendly runners, including one with Dean behind forty marathons and several Passatore. I reveal some fundamental secrets (!!!!!!) including running and less strongest, but it made the long 6 min / km (which has the perhaps even right here) and I tell you that I've seen a lot! Between saying and doing, we arrive at the 16th km, and pit-stop because we lose sight of. The first round is done, but now instead of 20-km is less than 19. Upon arrival, I do not stop and follow the signs to be around 10km, but since it is already late They have already raised a bit ... .. I go 'by heart, since I had done well last year, but ends up I lose myself ... .. Never mind, I still undaunted even though now I need a rest because so far I have not been drinking. I decided to swallow a maltodextrin, and I can also plastered all hands. I above a blue Fiat Punto and the guy at the wheel asking me if I'm alone or if I'm following the directions. ... It 'the cleaners of the path that is making the rounds to remove the last folder and fortunately gives me a tip to hang up the path. In fact, I take the last part of that from 20 km. I begin to experience fatigue, rather than worrying about who is the right calf shows signs of an incipient cramp. At 26 miles I find a restaurant where they have done almost everything but luckily you do in four to wash my hands and I drink a glass of water and then leave quickly. 27 ° and 28 ° km a bit 'in suffering, with some discomfort in his stomach, but then I recover and I say, but why not finish with a mini progression? So I decided to take a detour in order to blast away dirt and extend some of the path. I finish the 30th km and speeds. I do this the 31st at 4:45, 4:39, 32 ° and 33 at 4:36 darting, so to speak, before Helga who is reading the newspaper and looks at me a little surprised!

sbaraccare arrival are then nothing but 3 croissant sandwich and a glass of orange juice: well deserved!

In total then I ran for 33km at an average stride of 4:54 min / km Average HR 149bpm, 164bpm Max HR.

Corsa 33Km (Marcia dei cavini) 14-03-2010, Passo

Il primo lungo quindi se ne è andato, abbastanza bene  ma non benissimo: gambe un pò pesanti e la sensazione che mantenere questo ritmo per altri 10Km non sarà facile. Ma per oggi va bene così !

Ciao e alla prossima !

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Commercial Oxygenating Toothpaste

Il figlio del vento….

Ovviamente mi riferisco a Carl Lewis, indimenticabile velocista re dei 100m, 200m, staffette veloci e salto in lungo.


Non c’entra molto ma oggi mi è venuto in mente visto il fortissimo vento con cui mi sono dovuto scontrare stasera. Non me ne intendo molto ma il Garmin, una volta ritornato a casa, mi dava un valora di punta pari a 20Km/h…..certo che in gran parte del percorso ho dovuto stringere i denti per tenere l’andatura prevista.


Oggi avevo in programma 4 Km di riscaldamento a 5:05 + 4Km a 4:30 + 4Km a 4:25 + 2Km di defaticamento a 5:05 per un totale di 14Km.

Ho appuntamento alle 7 con mia cugina e la sua amica, reduce da un buon 23° posto ai campionati nazionali juniores di cross e quindi parto in anticipo per farmi 4Km tranquilli, ma capisco che stasera di tranquillo ci sarà ben poco. Infatti il vento è già bello forte e disturba non poco. I primi 4Km passano comunque a 4:50, forse un pò troppo veloci, ma faccio fatica a calibrare le forze con il vento contro.


two fellow students and the PUM is the fourth part. Km the first fatality we have the wind in favor and shoot him there at 4:16, mmmmhhhh ... ... ... and my cousin tells me: "I think a good pace." Okay after recovery, and in fact the second upwind we Km to 4:31, u need to brake a little bit. Third and fourth at 4:21 and 4:29 miles, ending at 4:24 the first 4km. Change direction and we are faced with a wall of wind. ... It is hard to maintain a constant speed and proceed to tear. However, the 5 th and 6 th at 4:27 and 4:30 miles are decent after all. The 7th Km slow down because the friend of my cousin has a nuisance to a tendon and off to 4:55. Last Km of the series (8 th) I go on the run to pull up the media and do a 4:33 with the Bora that rejects me. The last 3 km are the cool-down to 4:54, 4:44, 4:37. I do my stretching beautiful but the wind has really exhausted, to say the least!

However, in total I did 15.17 miles in 4:38 average pace, average heart rate 153 (Max HR 172).

Yesterday, out of 10 km, of which approximately 9km Loose bottom to 5:05 and the rest with a series of extensions of 70-80 meters in 3:15 with recovery of walking, in line with the table.

Hello and see you soon!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Starcraft 1990's Game

La prima settimana di tabella, il vento e la sportellata


This week I opened the table Gian Carlo aka Blade Runner, the table will accompany me until April 25 ... ..

Unfortunately the week has had a troubled start a little bit, so I had to skip the first slated for Monday (8.5Km Loose bottom end + extensions) because I found myself with the house at risk flooding due to traffic jam main drain. ... The Tuesday I could not give up the appointment with my cousin and her friend, that table would be 4 km and 8 km at 4:30 to 5:10. Finding instead with two companions travel a bit 'bruised (Or perhaps in the vein of Pre-tactical view of the absolute individual scene today) were taken out of 12.24 Kms 4:49 to pull the handbrake a little.

Wednesday I decided to recover the fund in the rain slow that I had to do Monday and here I met in the middle of the table by 8.65 miles in 5:02 with 5 final stretch from 70m to 3:20.

Friday, scheduled at 5:00 12km, I left quiet, but after I let go of his legs in progression and I did 12.19 miles in 4:42 ... ... Loved the graph, showing:

& # 160;

Corsa Fondo medio 05-03-2010, Passo

Today, however, Sunday, I brought the table to 10Km 10Km in 5:00 and 4:50. In the March program of donor Cavazzale, a few miles from home. The weather gave bad weather with a chance of rain and possibly snow. Instead, this morning was a bright day with the sun but still cold (1-2 ° C) but now I am used to this. Instead, what has broken the box was a bastard wind that seemed to haunt me: always against you!

The first 10km were a misery, as well as the wind that gave no respite, I felt pain in left leg and foot ... .. mah! and I would have loved to turn around and go home. But I went, luckily on a dirt path not far e con poco fango (finalmente!).

Dopo il 10Km le gambe hanno cominciato a girare più fluide e sono riuscito a completare il giro in progressione. Ho quindi corso i primi 10Km a 4:54 e i secondi 10 a 4:33, sgarrando rispetto alla tabella…..FC media 149bpm, FC max 166.

Ma cosa c’entra la sportellata ?

Si tratta di qualcosa che mi è successo la settimana scorsa e che mi ero dimenticato di scrivere…..Dunque, appena uscito di casa comincio a correre sul marciapiede che però, davanti a un bar è stato occupato da una macchina appena arrivata, ancora con i fari accesi. Allora io scendo dal marciapiede e sorpasso la macchina dal lato del viaggiatore e…. SBAAAAM !!!! Mi prendo una sportellata sulla mano sinistra !!!! Imprecazioni varie…..

Mi sfilo il guanto per verificare il danno ma per fortuna niente sangue, solo una forte botta. Il guidatore sgrida la figlia, responsabile dell’accaduto e, almeno questo, gentilmente si informa delle mie condizioni. No, non è niente…..e riprendo la mia corsa. Com’è dura la vita del runner !!!!!!

Ciao e alla prossima !