Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Renewing An Expired Drivers License In Ohio

Il nuovo anno, le scarpe nuove e i nuovi obbiettivi ?

The last post was ages ago (September 22 )..... lack of time and especially wants to have kept me away from my blog, but not those of blogtrotters glad that I kept reading restricting comments. I also continued to run, without making specific goals other than to enjoy myself and so I participated in the marches especially Sunday in October and November are sometimes faced with hills and dirt paths impegnatvi, but also in the company of running a Alvin who bought a shape gradually more and more dazzling, and running with my cousin Clare (fixture on Tuesday evening) the day that she must be unloaded and for me it means beautiful 10Km fast.
It 's so I came to do, pulled from Alvin, half a (unofficial) in 1 hour and 40'.
After he arrived in December in which, for various reasons, I could practically run ..... and I'm back here at the beginning of this new 2010. What to do?
First we start with the shoes ........
near the end of the year that just passed in New York, I took advantage of the park to make my shoes, some for fun, others out of necessity.

first pair (whim) : Nike + Lunartrainer

Pagata molto poco in un negozio di Time Square è una scarpa leggerissima, classificata A3 dalla Nike mentre reputata A2 (per il peso minimo) dalle riviste specializzate. Ho avuto occasione di utilizzarla una volta sola, domenica scorsa in un collinare con Alvin (non proprio l'occasione adatta, ma la voglia era tanta....) ma mi riservo il giudizio di provarla su corse più veloci. Il paio che ho comprato è proprio rosso accecante.....

Secondo paio (necessità) : Saucony Pro Grid Triumph 7

It was a necessity because the previous Triumph 6 had reached 800km and clearly felt that their cushioning was no longer the itself. It 'a renewed model, slightly more cumbersome than the previous, and with the sole flat. Used to test just yesterday to make 6Km lenses. Again we will see ....... But are the shoes that should accompany me to the next marathon.

Third pair: Nike Skylon 11
E' inutile che perda tempo a descriverle perchè le conoscete tutti........E' la scarpa con cui mi piacerebbe provare a fare gli allenamenti veloci e magari provare a correrci una mezza Maratona. Vedremo, per il momento stasera primo utilizzo insieme a mia cugina.

Dunque, le scarpe ci sono, ma per il momento mancano ancora gli obiettivi......qualche mezza idea ce l'ho but not yet fully defined. What is certain is that I'd run a marathon, the race that gives me more satisfaction, or rather, emotions. It could be the Padua Marathon, perhaps with a stake in the Treviso as long. Who knows?

Blogtrotters Greetings to all and a Happy New Year to you all!

Hello and see you soon!


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