Dopo tanto di corsa con i Fulminei
It was some time since I ran along with fellow Lightning, except to the Alvin trust, and now there is an opportunity in that re-Mirabella, a few miles from home, no part of the march ' Love.
After two days of uninterrupted rain today was a day of respite, even if up at 5 am the water continued to come down. Almost all participants to present the main challenge of next Sunday to Montefortiana: first president Bress, and then the Zanze the Soon and Marines. Appeal lacked only Alvin struggling with family commitments which rightly come first (or almost ....... knowing that it is dedicated to a long-dawn flights ...... that Pre-tactical ????).
fact is that at 8 o'clock we found ourselves at the start, completed the paperwork part E. ....... it starts to rain! But luckily nothing that is a thin drizzle that dileguerà after a few kilometers. Do not look at the Garmin and I'm enjoying the ride in the company being attentive to the quagmire that is devastating in some places but fun!
step is quiet around 5 min / km, just what I needed today. At the first restaurant, as the following, I drink a sip of hot tea because, if not quite cold, average 5.2 ° C, is quite moist (93.1%). After a few kilometers we lose a bit of trouble soon accusing Belly (Pre-tactical this one?). I have with the Marines, new acquisition of the lightning but not running because it tells me that last year in his first marathon (Padua) 3:09 a.m. ripped excellent'..... great! If you like, go and visit her blog just opened Marines travel . Unfortunately, about a week has some problems to the tibialis (I think right) and after some prefer not to withdraw too much force in view of Montefortiana.
Apart Zanze che non si risparmia e si invola veloce, rimango con il Bress che rimane a farmi compagnia nel mio fondo lento. Qualche salita nel finale completa un'uscita abbastanza tranquilla anche se infangata.
All'arrivo ritroviamo il Tosto e il Marines oltre a Zanze, che discutono di tattiche e coalizioni varie in vista della sfida di domenica prossima, sento parlare di coltelli e trappole varie.........mah, vedremo come andrà a finire. Nel frattempo, il mio favorito (Alvin) cosa avrà combinato ? Lo leggeremo nel suo blog ? O terrà tutto nascosto ?
Riporto per completezza il grafico di Sport Tracks:
In totale ho corso per 17,4 Km, al passo medio di 4:57 min/Km, FC media 164bpm (FC max 177bpm) un pò troppo alta.......
Ciao e alla prossima !
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