Friday, December 31, 2010

Obama Phone Covers For Scp 2700

And we got to the last day of 2010. But what is the new year? 365 days where others are giving the best of us, is the repetition of a cycle where we are going to engage in new and old adventures. It 's a part of our life where we say, in the previous part I did so and I'll do better in the next, I expect this, I'll try to do that, I'll try to remake the best thing there. The new cycle, we have put in harmony with the motion of Earth's revolution around the sun. At this time we do the budgets of all our activity is for projects that end during the cycle, and for those that are part of a more complex purpose. So the new year will be important to prove to ourselves that we are adept at carrying out the things that we started in the previous year, and to improve and maintain our high capacity we svilupatto in previous revolutions. So as not to wish to go all out and live 100% in 2011!? How can we not wish to give dignity to 2011, nor wish to enjoy every day and getting up in the morning with a smile and say, hell I expect a new day, let's see what will bring me beautiful!? build this 2011 all times and let us take the results! Best wishes for happy, healthy, peaceful and constructive 2011!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cervix High For A Long Time

What about towards the end of the year accumulate thoughts and let yourself go a bit. With the cold freezes the desire to write, expand the time and thinks much more slowly. It tasted more of the quiet period and is reflected in the labors of the year: you do budgets. An amazing year, best lap times on each race that I played well last year. Improved Performance in climb, speed, racing on long and short. I went to do a climb of 50km ultramarathon race on a closed just above 1000 m 3 '/ km within a month. I did 3 half, I am involved in two championship races and I finished 31 races. 320 km of racing over to 250 last year. In total mileage up to this year Pochini: only 2309 to 2170 but higher than last year. A truly fascinating and exciting year. I'm glad of having taken the time spent. These data are trivial compared to many athletes I had the pleasure of knowing that this year, but I'm really proud. I'm very proud and I am also particularly pleased with the plate that I was delivered to the party end of the year from my company, Studium et Stadium. Plate which also went to my father for his achievements. I must say I am very happy for him above all because, in proportion to the age and condition of his knee, I consider it much better than me. To make meglio il concetto vi riporto le sue parole riguardo la targa: non pensavo che avrei avuto un riconoscimento sportivo a 63 anni compiuti.
Per il resto, penso che non ci sia bisogno di aggiungere altro, tutto è già scritto nei numerosi post precedenti. A breve posterò anche il riepilogo degli ultimi 2 mesi di corsa e sarà archiviato questo 2010. Concludendo, vorrei solo dare il ringraziamento a tutti quelli che mi hanno incoraggiato o che si sono preoccupati per me e che credono sempre in questo sport e a chi lo pratica. Grazie!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Blu Ray Player Netflix

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Average Cost To Fix Plumbing Of A Dishwasher

Happy Birthday Jesus not only calls ...

La corsa non è solo correre and make time but in all sports and especially in this world are special people. They are some real characters in the positive sense of the word. That is, people characterized by a character and a very strong personality and very interesting. The sport and the ride is a really great to get to know and be often at home, in their own world, at home. This I could feel is when I went to Pistoia, and when I'm at regional competitions, and when I did when I did both cycling and skating. So happens that Friday night at the dinner that will be my new company (for now not advance at all and leave you with doubt hihihihihihi) and the festival circuit Curresardignajò, sabato sera, mi sia trovato a riflettere nuovamente su questo pensiero. C'è tanta gente allegra, umile e veramente alla mano. Venerdì poi il tempo è volato e mi son ritrovato a parlare con i Tm della mia nuova squadra per più di 2 ore... credo di aver mangiato poca pizza per la distrazione e normalmente non è da me hihihihihi. Sono sicuro che mi divertirò un mondo in questa nuova esperienza e spero che potrò dare come atleta sempre delle buone prestazioni. Per quanto riguarda il Curresardignajò l'ho vinto nella mia categoria. La partecipazione a 9 delle 11 gare in programma mi ha premiato con il primo posto in classifica. E anche delle buone gare mi hanno permesso di avere un bel pò di punti. E' a great circuit and I think that must be sustained in the best way. It 's a circuit to master and amateur, that part of the runners that run the island to be every Sunday for a run, runners are the ones that lead many young children who are running an important part of young athletes who could be the future of' athletics. Are those, for example, that could be the pride of Italy at the Olympics. A very great concept but I think there is everything and I think that's also why we must give a hand to master. The master then they are in that percentage, which makes the company much healthier, more active (the race is only a part, but all lovers of various sports are important). There will be those significant results that are absolute (but in proportion to the age of the cases are startling of all respect as that which is given to professional athletes) but have a high social value. Then this circuit enhances the Sardinian products and this does not say anything except that the Sardinian products are excellent. Yesterday then, when they called me, I was very happy. And 'the happiness that often seems to leave me indifferent, I smiled and great serenity, but inside leaves me a lot! I hope that this circuit go ahead and become more involved and interesting to complete.
Saturday evening was also honored that my father could even do a few races in but more recently we learned that he just made a bad knee fracture pluriframmentata, chondropathy, dislocation, thickening and deposits. A bulletin of war, in short. The doctor does not understand how can he stand up and while running and now probably will not have to undergo an operation, I think the race has just avoided all the pain that should be very strong. These issues affect old and misadventures have emerged as they have not explained why my father felt the knee from getting stuck when he started to run. Problem with a sedentary lifestyle did not feel pain if not that arose from time to time. I am very sorry because my father could possibly go much stronger than what he has done so far.
For the rest of this period, the real race was put aside. Games, the mental focus to heavier training has been left aside and I just finished take 5 days of total vacation from racing. After that I started to run but I would have preferred a visit made by two days of rest and a slight stroke repeated 4 times in a row. In fact, after 5 days still, personally, I have problems calling in the body axis. I feel bad run, I feel my back and hips bent, I problemini right knee and leg. But fortunately after a few out for more. Last night then I did a little more than 15 km at 4'17''/ km and I had no problems. I said then that will observe a very relaxing without too much stress. Although it may take to do a few races in January, this period will extend until February and I will try not to overdo it in training (perhaps I'll put in the pipeline many miles). So finally I would say that the race is not just racing but also new knowledge, health, tourism, sports and knowledge of the area and more. Sport and in this case the race is made up of races, but also of periods and moments that enrich the physical and mental life of each one of us.
PS Deandrea thanks Fausto! returned the greeting that we've done, tea and the whole family!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Culinary Student Resumes

October 2010

1: 8km at 4'12''/ km
2: Track, 2.4 km in 4'04''/ rec km + 5 '+ 2 x 800 (3'32''/ km and 5 rec ') + 4x400 (1'20''rec 1') + 3
1000m: Race Bidderosa 11.6 km in 50'27''
5: 5.8 km uphill accelerations.
7: Track, 4-2k '/ km in 3'38''1k + + 5' to 3'28''1k + rec / rec km + 5 '+ 3x400 (1'19''rec 2')
8: 5.8 km circuit board (the first lap in 4'15''/ km, the second lap in 3'56''/ km)
9: Race Luras 7.5 km in about 27 '
11: 18.5 km to 4'48' (1h28'45'' record percorso test scalata Bonaria)
13:12,380 km a 4'07''/km (accelrazioni in salita)
14: 13,580 km a 4'09''/km
15: 4km + 2 accelrazioni di 420 metri a 3'26''/km e 3'15''/km + 2km
17: 12,4km a 4'08''/km + 5km di sera a 5'07''/km
19 : 8km a 4'34''/km
20 : 11,6km a 4'14''
22 : 4 km a 4'05''/km + 2 ' rec + 2,5 km lenti + 2x420 a 3'05''/km + 2,5km lenti.
24 : Mezza di Olbia in 1h20'54''
25 : 9,6km a 4'23''/km
27 : 3,6km a 4'35''/km (2 salite e 2 discese) + 5' rec + 900m in salita tirati a 4'23''/km + discesa in recovery than 1.5 km.
28: 12.8 km at 4'19''/ 29 km climb
: 2.9 km + 5 lenses' rec + 2x420 at 3'05''/ km + 4.5 km 4'23''/
31 km: 17.3 km at 4'15''/ km climb

Monday, November 15, 2010

How Much Used Gun Pawn Shop

XIII Trofeo Sant'Andria 28'58''- 7.250 km

Sant'Andria XIII Trofeo is a race to honor. Its strong points are many: from the country so attractive framed by Mount Gonare to the many churches, the leading sectors of sport and art that are deeply rooted in this country to the path that we will face heavy and impressive. From the tender price of just € 2.50 to the fact that it is the last leg of Curresardiniajò. Indeed there one more icing on the cake: the refreshments huge, extraordinary, with everything you may desire. And then today was the presence of Roberto Rutigliano, returning from Athens and the world military championships. Then there was the new super champion Bahi Nour Eddine we are learning about the fact that all records of remodeling island walking competition. A tremendous athlete! With this background it must be also well be a hundred miles round trip, defeating the morning fog blankets and stand slightly behind at 9 and a half in the country! The day was wonderful and the lunch hour it was hard to be in short sleeves because of the heat, and while it was expected The scorching sun made us a refreshing revival tanning. Then a bright sunny day with the presence in the categories below, cheerful as always. Soon comes our turn.
Men and women together on the 1450 meters of new trail hard, to be repeated 5 times. My two rounds of heat leaves me only one thought: today I come home healthy. So do not be! The course, despite the tearing up and down and the long sequence of curves, it is difficult but does not have much difficulty prohibitive, it goes on without too much trouble even if the reduced width of the streets makes you think otherwise.
Le gambe che sbattono in discesa e su vari fondi stradali che passano dall’asfalto, al ciottolato, al lastricato non danno quei problemi che si pensa. Sarà l’adrenalina della gara ma mi scordo pure dei doloretti che in queste 3 settimane mi davano fastidio. Il fiato però è corto e le discese non aiutano il recupero. Troppo ripide. In salita mi difendo e nonostante qualcuno mi superi con passo agilissimo non mi scoraggio e continuo con la mia velocità. Calo nel terzo e nel quinto giro finale. Ho voglia di sdraiarmi per terra ma in un modo o nell’altro arrivo, non mi rendo conto neanche che il traguardo è 50 metri davanti a me per causa della mia disattenzione e mi fermo prima. Poi ritorno a correre, arrive completely exhausted. I like this new path so much more than last year, and starting with a slightly wider, personally, I think that would be phenomenal! Path then I put a lot of evidence and probably in a different time of year I would have gone a little better but it's a good day and the heat helped me. Today I am also good legs. I had a good race after all. With my 28'58''I travel to 4 '/ km to 7.250 km. I think 20''/ km compared to a race on the flat and straight can be removed.
After the award go to the mega party and after tasting the various dishes, side dishes and desserts and coffee and beer and limoncello and etc are going to go home. But the evening is not over. In fact my father is able to contact a prestigious local artist who was his companion on the art school, artist Nunzio Nivola. There is and there starts a part of the day as beautiful. Come on in his house that doubles as a permanent exhibition and study. We know his family very people who are really in the hand and leg. But the artistic charge of this man is remarkable: he is an artist in everything, in word, act, in ways of doing things and of course, is left-handed. Of all that I have learned a great deal of his art strikes me hoe: a parallel between the woman and the hoe. Woman finds herself in the form of this tool is that it has a very strong bond because it was more female than male intuition that created "the civilization of the hoe." What can I say, a Sunday very rich!

PS After a long time back in the race, my father and despite his knee locked, and an annoying pain in the calf ends the race well and realizing that seems to have done well, my father and I can say that the races and often cause problems sometimes, however, the adrenaline you feel pain or has a healing power. Mysteries of the race!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Whippets Effect On The Brain

decisions and goals.

So it is that some days a bit dull do you think, came the first decisive change of season, the first cold, the wind that gets in the bones and the decrease of light in our days. So you get to see the end of a year in the imagination of our minds. If we suffer a lot since I understand that the winter weather, the first releases with bad weather affecting much my thoughts. She decides to go thought to have long-term goals which always keep a healthy dose of office. If the wind and cold do not get along with my body, let alone se ci aggiungo degli allenamenti per tenermi un po veloce che si sono rilevati un po critici, la situazione mi dice che forse è ora di tirare un i remi in barca. Oltretutto le gambe chiedono un periodo di tranquillità e un riposo attivo più esteso. Certi segnali son difficili da descrivere ma credo di essermi fatto capire se dico che ogni tanto dubito del sostegno che ho nelle gambe. Niente di preoccupante , piccoli indolenzimenti che fanno fatica a passare che uniti a poca resistenza e senso di fragilità mi suggeriscono di andare più piano. Per la fine dell'anno forse farò massimo altre Three races, more realistically will be only one or two, the first in the short and in December. However, these races I will do without thinking too much inertia and to manage the outputs in their function. Instead I will concentrate from now on to put up a new base made of good runs quieter without the slightest thought of going to work hard (I'll be fine if it decides to somehow force training). I'll try to do more miles and I will concentrate less on speed. I would also say that using the date of October 24 where I did half of Olbia, I'll give those eight months that separate me from Abetone Pistoia (trying at all costs to be present again this year) and I will try from now to address as a function of the race my outputs. I will try to cmq most races in the region during the early part of next year and find brilliance in this is that in practice replace the little speed that I will do throughout this period (probably I will dedicate a workout per week). Then who knows maybe I will do the adjustments route. As I said now I need a bit of relaxation to better face the winter and to avoid problems and pains that often I have always accompanied from late November onwards, and also it will give me much impetus for the new year. Also this is a time of change and multiple decisions and the race (as a physical training) will be part without choking and take too much energy, but rather, be a gentle companion more than ever. Obviously we understand that this post serves to boost mental rather than that decision has as its purpose. Let's start over again to reinforce the foundations, the mood now is very good and ready! You see how stable it is a pyramid ... :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cervical Mucus A Day Before Expected Period

September 2010

It 's really not much that I update the list after racing .. September features several tracks here, too, since at this time I can not even more a correrci come nelle giornate peggiori del periodo estivo. Ho tanta voglia di salita e strada! eppure la pista è la pista, ottima quando si ha voglia di volare e di prendersi male con i tempi :)

1 settembre: 8km a 4'/km.
3 settembre: pista, 5km a 3'50''/km + 4'rec + 2x600 (a 3'19''/km con rec di 3') + 3' rec + 2x800 (a 3'22''/km con 3'rec) + 3' rec + 2x600 (3'20''/km con 3'rec) + 4'rec + 3x400 (3'14''/km con 1' rec) + 2km a 3'55''/km.
4 settembre: 5km a 4'20''/km.
5 settembre: 5,8km a 3'36''/km (Gara Stintino).
6 settembre: 8km a 4'20''/km.
7 settembre: pista, 5km a 3'46''/km + 5'rec + 1km a 3'27''/km + 5'rec + 2km a 3'39''/km + 5' rec + 1000 a 3'26''/km + 4' rec + 800 a 3'26''/km + 4' rec + 2x600 (a 3'20''/km con rec ) + 4' rec + 2x400 (3'18''/km con rec 1') + 3' rec + 2 km 3'54''/km.
9 settembre: pista, 4km a 3'55''/km + 5' rec + 2x600 (3'12''/km con 3' rec) + 3' rec + 5x400 (da 3'18''/km a 3'08''/km con 1' rec) + 3km a 3'47''/km.
11 settembre: 7,1km a 3'43''/km (gara Pozzomaggiore).
13 settembre: pista, 3km a 3'51''/km + 5' rec + 2km a 3'41''/km + 5' rec + 2km a 3'40''/km + 5' rec + 1000 a 3'26''/km + 4'rec + 1000 a 3'25''/km + 4' rec + 2x600 (3'20''/Km a 3'18''/km) + 1000 a 3'30''/km + 5'rec + 2 x400( 3'13''/km con 1' rec) + 3' rec + 2km 3'55/km.
15 settembre: 4km a 4'20''/km + 3' rec + 4km a 4'28''/km.
16 settembre: pista, 3,2km a 4'09''/km + 5'rec + 1200 a 3'47''/km + 4' rec + 1000 a 3'40''/km + 4' rec + 1200 a 3'52''/km 4' rec + 8x400 (da 3'30''/km a 3'20''/km with rec 1 ') + 1 200 meters in 4'38''/ km.
September 17: 6km lenses.
September 18: race in Alghero, 6.8 km in 3'39''/ km.
Sept. 19: at 4'31'' 6.9 km / km.
September 20: Cossoine race, 3'37''to 6 km / km.
Sept. 21: at 4'29'' 5.6 km / km.
September 22: track, 5km 3'54''/ km + 5 '+ 2x1000 rec (at 3'28''/ km rec 4') + 4 '+ rec 1200 4'13''/ km + 2km 3'53''/ km + 5 'rec + 5x400 (at 3'13''/ km rec 1') + 3 '+ rec 4/km in 2800.
September 23: 10.3 km in 4'23''/ km.
September 25: Race Boroughbridge, 7.8 km pulled.
September 26: 8.5 km race in Nulvi (trail) pulled a 4'04''/ km.
September 27: track, 3k at 3'51''/ km + 5 '+ 3x1000 rec (from 3'37''/ 3'27''km / km with 5 rec') + 5 '+ rec 3x400 (at 3'10''/ km rec 1 ') + 5' rec + 3x400 (at 3'10''/ km rec 1 ') + 1km to 4' / Km
September 29: to 10.8 km 4'11''/ km.
September 30: track, 4km to 3'57''/ km + 5 '+ 3x1200 rec (from 3'40''/ 3'33''km / km with 5 rec') + 5 '+ rec 800 to 3'25''/ km + 5 'rec + 4x400 (at 3'18''/ km rec 1') + 5 '+ rec 2km 3'54''/ km + 5' to 4'10''rec + 4km / km.

Monday, October 25, 2010

How Do I Draw On Bamboo Pad

I ^ Gallurese Marathon (Half - 1h20'54'') X

I finally got my time on the half: 1h20'54''. Earlier this year I had a stroke Porto Torres, but with the wind, cold and little preparation had not shone. A Nurachi but it was a dirt road and although I had 4 '/ km could not be said well that time were worth. Yesterday the first edition of the marathon instead gallurese I arrived after the trauma of the common 3 but luckily I had gone almost completely the pains of the descents. In week only 30 km but quite well done. I was in doubt of being able to do well, I had no clue as to what performance I could do and was hoping to do the 4 '/ km. The three common but also gave me courage for the great result last lap hill training told me that the bottom and there was also the thrust. So I thought about what to do in the heat and warm the base of the calves still slightly sore. But the morning starts with a little problem solved belly to the bar and then gave no thought to anything.
part very cautious in the first km and try to understand which step to take. Fortunately, I find that Tim is in my hand. I know it stronger than me but I try to keep him and with him coming to the end of the first lap when I start to have a good breath and he goes on to set and even a little faster. First round which is then made beautiful cheerful. 2km to step in 7'26'', 3 ° 11'15''and then I go to the regular 10 ° 37'53''where you step.
These roads I had also made earlier this year for Straolbia and see the ascent of Via Aldo Moro and the bridge puts me in a good spirit, it seems strange but a little 'recovery. Changing the ground and step off me and I like monotony. This makes me breathe a little 'and makes me want to force again. Solitamente infatti patisco molto un percorso troppo piatto. Si arriva sotto metà gara con un buon tempo e qui dopo che ho bevuto un po’ d’acqua per la terza volta al ristoro, inizia il problema alla pancia. Mi si gonfia e inizia a gorgogliare. Oh cavolo, inizio anche a sentire più freddo e si irrigidiscono i polpacci, rimango solo e perdo molta strada dal Tm. Dietro, un gruppo folto e forte minaccia di superarmi. Dopo un po’ infatti mi raggiunge e mancano almeno 6km. Mi accodo e cerco di tenerli. Intanto il problema sembra risolto ma faccio fatica a tenere il passo, un po’ la 3 comuni si fa sentire. Dopo la salita però torniamo leggermente in discesa e sembro recuperare, mi avvicino di nuovo ma inizia di nuovo a farmi male la pancia and will become sick. 2 or 3 times I almost think to stop to vomit when small dense make me come to call, I feel the saliva increases. But I learned to pass the problem to me, I slow down a little and every time I go on like this until the feeling passes. The veterans of the tail of the group are still a few tens of meters, holding on and after the second climb of the bridge begins the descent detained by the last attack of nausea, accelerate gradually to reach the final miles and try to accelerate even more to meet the athletes later. It 'a mile that never ends, then finally I see the inflatable, comes a little closer, but without reaching anyone with a good step. E'fatta!
Guardo il tempo, sorrido tra me: Sotto il 21.. nuovo tempo. Tutto sommato nel secondo giro mi son difeso e non ho ceduto così come avevo pensato al 12° km. Mi dà solo fastidio che forse abbia sbagliato qualcosa la notte prima, ho mangiato un panino con del formaggio e della frutta verso le 20, poi più tardi della pasta. Di mattina, un caffè al bar. Niente di strano. Forse la frutta mi ha dato problemi o forse un po’ troppa acqua al ristoro, era un po’ fresca e non l’ho tenuta in bocca prima di berla. Sento che qualcuno ha avuto lo stesso mio problema. Pazienza, forse potevo guadagnare altri 30 secondi senza il problema. Ma nel piccolo problemino son stato fortunato, post-race refreshments during the awards ceremony and the pain has increased and until yesterday night I was pretty bad and I was cold. Today I look back on everything good and beautiful day, with so many emotions, so many good people, a beautiful path that ran throughout Olbia to the port where we intersect with others, and we exchanged a nod, an incitement. And then off the main road of Via Aldo Moro, the passage near the park Fausto Noce, a return to the sea and the arrival. A reminder also can not eat sweets and sandwiches problemini refreshing because of the desire to stay there and not come home. And yet, the heat of the sun was burning my face during the ceremony, watch this first edition and think, who knows maybe next year if they feel that the marathon! And then the words exchanged with the Frank Pao Ruiu us updated on facebook over every detail of the race! What a day! I'm glad! Now the goal is to get next year under the 1 hour and 20. For now, enough of the half, I'll do a little 'rest from racing for a few weeks to train and think about it calmly, but I must say that I have reviewed the half. This time, after all the fear of this distance was less and I felt even more strongly towards the end.
PS I wanted to finish, the extremely large parking lot and the convenience of its proximity to the start of the race. A very important factor. I must say that as a first edition everything has been cared for well, from the flight path to the race, which also presented many difficulties as it closed almost the entire city. Excellent event!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fireball Travel Trailer Information

Marathon three municipalities (12.440 Km - 51'25'')

Yesterday morning last stage of the Tour Brooks Running Usini. It was the third step that we learned about in recent years, the three municipalities, which is now in its tenth edition. This race reminds me a lot, because it was my first road race well 2 years ago. With today but I do the 60 th race. So I understand if I say that I wanted particularly to participate. Besides, the path is one of those tough. This year was slightly longer than about 240 meters to be able to afford to start from Usini. A total of 12.440 kilometers, that run along roads that link the villages of Usini, Tissi and Ossi. In the midst of a beautiful valley and then we faced down the ramp and climb that put a strain on the quadriceps and the muscles of the lower legs. This year, then a nice breeze in the opposite direction to return that made me suffer. But let's start from the beginning.

Now after the departure of Usini Cross the village and came to the first descent is tricky because of the slope and the cold legs. In front of the first two traveling alone and I had taken a few dozen yards from the group. Downhill, however, I reached another 4 and go with them until the beginning of the first climb, the harder path. Here I make a small mistake and let them vent instead of trying to keep the group losing only a handful of seconds. But lose more later, in the stretch to get Tissi. Along this up and down my legs are heavy and I have to deal with oxygen debt, and then I nailed or as they say in cycling jargon remain tarred. I'm holding on to the entrance and arrival Tissi of where you start to climb. It enters through the main street and still see them there in front of maybe 15 seconds. The third, however, begins to stretch up to Bones and I defend myself always trying to sew the 100 meters that make the rubber band with the 4th and 5th. Ossi inside I realize that I have no one behind and try to force yet. This is the beginning of the second steep descent. This is slightly less insidious but much longer than the first. Here I go down quite well and I force a lot, I find a bunch of walking and encourages me to proceed. I go on, but decided I can not earn anything, should be pretty strong in this area, more than me, I go out to the limit of my ability. The plan, however, forse inizio a richiudere e provo a tenere alto il ritmo. Sto rischiando di saltare ma mi porto forse sotto i 10 secondi. Fatto sta che devo nuovamente rallentare e rimanere a distanza. Inizia quindi un tratto leggero di sali e scendi che ci porta ad una rampa in salita e ad una nuova discesa abbastanza lunga molto scorrevole. In questi km cerco di difendermi e di riprovare a raggiungerli nella lunga discesa. Loro vanno del mio passo e non mollano. L’elastico è di pochi secondi e son lì, sempre a circa 100 metri, il 4° ed il 5°. Sto iniziando a vederli come posizioni e come obiettivi di guerra e non più come podisti!!! Ahhhhhhh non riesco a prenderli!!!!!! Inizia l’ultimo strappo per Usini, provo a salire sempre al limite, ma loro mi controllano. Guadagnano dentro l’abitato e arriviamo come siamo stati per tutta la gara. Entusiasmante!!!!. Arrivo anche energico ma non potevo oltre, e stare lì a battagliare per cercare di raggiungere quelli davanti era un divertimento puro !!!!!
Ho corso veramente bene e dietro di me c’è stranamente il vuoto. Iniziano subito a sentirsi i dolori nelle gambe e vado a cambiarmi. Come tempo miglioro il 52’36’’ dell’anno scorso a cui aggiungere un minuto almeno del tratto di 240 metri. Sono contento e dolorante. Oggi addirittura non riesco a scendere bene le scale, ma fa niente, me lo fa ogni anno e passa in 2 o 3 giorni, domani vedrò di correrci sopra ^_^!! Ieri poi avevo pensato bene di farmi altri 5km a 5/km con mio padre e non so se mi ha fatto bene o male. Per il resto quindi il 4’08’’/km di media della gara mi mette di ottimo umore ed in più la mattinata è andata bene perché oltre al 1° posto di categoria, rientro primo di categoria anche nel Brooks Running Tour e tornano in mente la Sassari-Osilo e Stintino , le altre due tappe del circuito in cui avevo fatto delle belle gare. Per finire devo dire che il rinfresco che hanno preparato gli organizzatori era veramente enorme rispetto al numero dei partecipanti. Ringrazio gli sponsor dei 3 paesi, che come è stato detto, hanno gratuitamente concesso i prodotti dei premi the race of refreshment and food! All very good, quality and fresh! So 3 municipalities third closed well! Until next time!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Booster Seat Laws California

Luras - Memorial Domenico Foddai

Luras has demonstrated what he had to be! A very welcoming country and very interesting! Pity about the weather tends to get worse, the days starting to get shorter and the cool breeze that greeted us just got out of the car. This place is really nice and I just wanted to make a tour of the village and its surroundings before the race. These parts are also still alive for a thousand years old olive trees and the next time I will not have to lose the opportunity to walk along the shores of Lake Plain to review S'Ozzastru, the oldest Italian tree, which has about 3000-4000 years of history to tell. Then a hit and run in a small town that deserves more than one visit, even thinking about the organization of the race and after race. In fact the race track is very complex and difficult for the large number of changes of pace and the varying gradients and changes of direction was very well marked and this made the race a lot easier mentally, we followed the trail of the white arrows with great simplicity . This was the highlight of the event along with the final set in a spacious dining room where a large number of people have enjoyed sandwiches, pizzas, quiche, mini panadas and many other local products that can be found in our countries and then, especially sweets. Really great generosity of dishes and drinks. Oja, I'm starting to drink too much beer, hihihihihihi. However, returning to racing after so many fast races promotional categories (beginner, boys and cadets) and students, beautiful pieces ready after a moment of silence for the memorial and the women's race won by Bazzoni. In addition we are preparing to start reminding dell'Aliga Day (against litter on the roads) and after a while 'the mayor gives us the shot of departure.

Abdelkader in quick starts and maintains the position until the final victory.
But I am defending my tenth position in this circuit that I feel very heavy from the start but I really enjoy. I am also very happy because after a ride, the slight ache in my left leg, remote and latent discomfort of the past weeks, it disappears, but the fact that he only did 17 km this week after the race Bidderosa me a bit 'removed the breath. The little power I have left and we want to share in the various stitches, sent me the beats so high and the arrival feel their heart beating on his chest. The legs are tired but I have no problems, only a lack of thrust. We say che ieri ero al mio 95% e quindi spero solo di salire o tenere la condizione per un altro po’. Vorrei parlarvi di più del percorso ma è veramente difficile descriverlo, quindi fidatevi se vi dico che gli aggettivi tecnico, divertente e da fare con esperienza descrivono bene questo tracciato. Il resto dei dati dice che erano circa 1500 metri da ripetere 5 volte per noi uomini e 3 volte per le ladies. Tutto sommato al 3 e al 4 giro inizio a ricordarmi i passaggi ed a trovare le buone andature per ogni punto ma ormai è già il 5° giro e cedo. Perdo 2 posizioni arrivando 12° assoluto in circa 27' (non sono riuscito ad avere un tempo preciso in quanto non si è bloccato il timer). Ai lati molte persone tra abitanti del posto e accompagnatori are rooting and then added with a smile that hides the effort.
To cheer I also thank the women of the curve immediately after the start. But today I am happy for second place behind a very strong category Francis takes it hard despite a big problem and we know that if you always give all of himself. For the rest of the day was excellent, I had the pleasure of doing a lot of interesting conversations (thank in particular the kindness of Mr. Delizzos Luras athletics) and finally know officially my other Facebook contacts including the solar and Cristina Gavino, something which I am very happy! In practice I put in my first participation subito in agenda quest’appuntamento tra quelli da non perdere.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Lower Bmi

6 Trophy race in the oases of Bidderosa

Ieri mattina si è svolto il 6° Trofeo “di corsa nelle oasi di Bidderosa ”. La manifestazione aveva una grande componente turistico-sportiva e quindi quest’anno non potevo proprio mancare. Da queste parti avevo già fatto la mezza dell’Xterra e devo dire che ieri il caldo non era elevato come la scorsa volta ma l’ho sentito ugualmente nonostante fosse il 3 ottobre. Se non ci credete chiedete al mio sguardo da vampiro alla vista del primo rifornimento. A me non succede mai, però questa volta ho preso ben 2 bicchieri e al ritorno un terzo con la piena volonta di estinguere la sete più feroce!! E pensate che abbiamo trovato una così bella giornata in questa mattinata che la quantità di sudore degli atleti sembrava quella di una mezza sotto le 14 di agosto ma in metà percorso. In pratica sudati e felici! Ieri sono andato per fare principalmente allenamento. Il fatto che la gara fosse organizzata per una bella giornata di sport che prevale sull’agonismo mi aveva fatto pensare di andare relativamente piano!! Eja!!! Come no.. più si avvicinava la partenza e più rimpiangevo l’allenamento in pista del giorno prima. Mi dico: tento di stare con i primi finché riesco e poi come va, va! Così vado a indossare il pettorale. Noooo!!! e le spille?? Perdo tempo perché non trovo più le spille e quando riesco a mettermi il pettorale è già ora della partenza!! Appena arrivo in prossimità dello start mi riconosce per fortuna, Mapy, che avrò visto tante volte ma non mi ricordavo il suo viso (a proposito vi invito a vedere il blog appena aperto ) e ci salutiamo, scambiamo poche parole ma in futuro ci sarà modo per scambiarne altre e sono sicuro che è molto simpatica!! Un po’ pensieroso per il riscaldamento, mi posiziono davanti e Stefanopoli (della società organizzatrice) addirittura mi posiziona in prima linea!! Lo ringrazio!! Ora devo fare proprio una bella gara. Partiamo e mi metto primo per le prime centinaia di metri perché mi hanno detto che c’è una discesa un po’ difficoltosa, quindi in questo modo riesco a vedere bene dove mettere i piedi. Devo dire però che la strada non è così impervia e anzi sono proprio contento perché questa volta avevo le gambe stanche e avrei potuto rimetterci. Comunque durante i primi chilometri vedo proprio che non c’è ne e cerco di tenermi intorno alla decima posizione. Inizia a darmi fastidio anche la pancia (non ne và bene una e arrivano pure tutte insieme) e mi prende un dolore alla gamba destra (forse perché non mi sono scaldato), rido e continuo a correre difendendo la mia posizione. Il dolore alla gamba però bothers me and around the right Achilles tendon becomes more than a feeling uncomfortable and after a short stretch of beach and return to the dirt roads I decide it's time to slow down more. During this stage I am thinking that I put the shoes and empty too heavy, I was afraid we were treated much more ugly and so I preferred to run with the shoes to be destroyed and instead I should not make that decision. However after a few miles the pain disappears and everything goes better, as a precaution but now I go with a step of caution. Going slower than I realize that the road is full of places where children can run very well and you can always choose a good stretch to put your feet and running smoothly. In addition, being less distracted by the race can also admire the charm of the beauty of the pond we know Curcurica path portion of the perimeter. The vegetation is abundant and beautiful day also makes it ideal for a walk and so do you encounter along the path of the tourists and also the part of carers who encourage us. It's always nice and makes this event even more enjoyable. It 's time to come, I will close these 12 km in just over 50 minutes. I'm not tired legs but the effort already tested by the week, I heard today with a series of ache. I must say that now I just need rest and I'm not going to make more calls without being in good condition. So I understand che ad andare troppo piano e non essere preso dalla competizione non ci riesco ed infatti arrivo comunque 16° e spesso andavo a forzare un po’ nelle salitelle del percorso. Si, infatti nonostante tutto abbiamo fatto proprio un bel giro molto vario, un po’ di discese, qualche rampetta in salita, la sabbia della spiaggia che gradisco sempre tanto, e dei bei pezzi in falsopiano in cui impostare un buon ritmo, tutto su terra, sabbia, in generale sterrato e anche aghi di pino. Un percorso di andata e ritorno molto suggestivo con un anello come giro di boa in cui posizionare all’inizio di esso uno strategico punto di ristoro che si incontrava quindi anche al ritorno, dopo qualche km. Chiudiamo anche il rinfreco con frutta e gatorade aspettando il pranzo!! Un ottimo pranzo con pasta, carne, formaggio, salsiccia e poi tanti dolci, con un organizzazione in piena forza che distribuiva i pasti con decine di persone e con gran parte che avevano appena corso!! Insomma cosa si poteva chiedere di più?? Con Paolo, Stefano e famiglie si và al mare per qualche ora, peccato che il tempo inizi a guastarsi. Mi bagno i piedi e l’acqua inizia a ricordare che l’autunno è già cominciato ed il vento ci ricorda che siamo in Sardegna. Ma ancora si stà bene e queste ore chiudono una giornata stancante ma molto rilassante. Torno a casa con molto sonno, indice di una intensa giornata di sport condivisa con tante persone. Vi lascio ad alcune foto degli arrivi.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How Often Do I Have To Have My Bladder Stretch

Mennea forgotten

I invite you to read these two pages of the following article, I found it interesting ho_scoperto_non_esistere_lha_detto_coni_tv/29-09-2010/articolo-id = 476622-0-page = comments = 1