I finally got my time on the half: 1h20'54''. Earlier this year I had a stroke Porto Torres, but with the wind, cold and little preparation had not shone. A Nurachi but it was a dirt road and although I had 4 '/ km could not be said well that time were worth. Yesterday the first edition of the marathon instead gallurese I arrived after the trauma of the common 3 but luckily I had gone almost completely the pains of the descents. In week only 30 km but quite well done. I was in doubt of being able to do well, I had no clue as to what performance I could do and was hoping to do the 4 '/ km. The three common but also gave me courage for the great result last lap hill training told me that the bottom and there was also the thrust. So I thought about what to do in the heat and warm the base of the calves still slightly sore. But the morning starts with a little problem solved belly to the bar and then gave no thought to anything.
part very cautious in the first km and try to understand which step to take. Fortunately, I find that Tim is in my hand. I know it stronger than me but I try to keep him and with him coming to the end of the first lap when I start to have a good breath and he goes on to set and even a little faster. First round which is then made beautiful cheerful. 2km to step in 7'26'', 3 ° 11'15''and then I go to the regular 10 ° 37'53''where you step.
These roads I had also made earlier this year for Straolbia and see the ascent of Via Aldo Moro and the bridge puts me in a good spirit, it seems strange but a little 'recovery. Changing the ground and step off me and I like monotony. This makes me breathe a little 'and makes me want to force again. Solitamente infatti patisco molto un percorso troppo piatto. Si arriva sotto metà gara con un buon tempo e qui dopo che ho bevuto un po’ d’acqua per la terza volta al ristoro, inizia il problema alla pancia. Mi si gonfia e inizia a gorgogliare. Oh cavolo, inizio anche a sentire più freddo e si irrigidiscono i polpacci, rimango solo e perdo molta strada dal Tm. Dietro, un gruppo folto e forte minaccia di superarmi. Dopo un po’ infatti mi raggiunge e mancano almeno 6km. Mi accodo e cerco di tenerli. Intanto il problema sembra risolto ma faccio fatica a tenere il passo, un po’ la 3 comuni si fa sentire. Dopo la salita però torniamo leggermente in discesa e sembro recuperare, mi avvicino di nuovo ma inizia di nuovo a farmi male la pancia and will become sick. 2 or 3 times I almost think to stop to vomit when small dense make me come to call, I feel the saliva increases. But I learned to pass the problem to me, I slow down a little and every time I go on like this until the feeling passes. The veterans of the tail of the group are still a few tens of meters, holding on and after the second climb of the bridge begins the descent detained by the last attack of nausea, accelerate gradually to reach the final miles and try to accelerate even more to meet the athletes later. It 'a mile that never ends, then finally I see the inflatable, comes a little closer, but without reaching anyone with a good step. E'fatta!
Guardo il tempo, sorrido tra me: Sotto il 21.. nuovo tempo. Tutto sommato nel secondo giro mi son difeso e non ho ceduto così come avevo pensato al 12° km. Mi dà solo fastidio che forse abbia sbagliato qualcosa la notte prima, ho mangiato un panino con del formaggio e della frutta verso le 20, poi più tardi della pasta. Di mattina, un caffè al bar. Niente di strano. Forse la frutta mi ha dato problemi o forse un po’ troppa acqua al ristoro, era un po’ fresca e non l’ho tenuta in bocca prima di berla. Sento che qualcuno ha avuto lo stesso mio problema. Pazienza, forse potevo guadagnare altri 30 secondi senza il problema. Ma nel piccolo problemino son stato fortunato, post-race refreshments during the awards ceremony and the pain has increased and until yesterday night I was pretty bad and I was cold. Today I look back on everything good and beautiful day, with so many emotions, so many good people, a beautiful path that ran throughout Olbia to the port where we intersect with others, and we exchanged a nod, an incitement. And then off the main road of Via Aldo Moro, the passage near the park Fausto Noce, a return to the sea and the arrival. A reminder also can not eat sweets and sandwiches problemini refreshing because of the desire to stay there and not come home. And yet, the heat of the sun was burning my face during the ceremony, watch this first edition and think, who knows maybe next year if they feel that the marathon! And then the words exchanged with the Frank Pao Ruiu us updated on facebook over every detail of the race! What a day! I'm glad! Now the goal is to get next year under the 1 hour and 20. For now, enough of the half, I'll do a little 'rest from racing for a few weeks to train and think about it calmly, but I must say that I have reviewed the half. This time, after all the fear of this distance was less and I felt even more strongly towards the end.
PS I wanted to finish, the extremely large parking lot and the convenience of its proximity to the start of the race. A very important factor. I must say that as a first edition everything has been cared for well, from the flight path to the race, which also presented many difficulties as it closed almost the entire city. Excellent event!
PS I wanted to finish, the extremely large parking lot and the convenience of its proximity to the start of the race. A very important factor. I must say that as a first edition everything has been cared for well, from the flight path to the race, which also presented many difficulties as it closed almost the entire city. Excellent event!