Friday, December 31, 2010

Obama Phone Covers For Scp 2700

And we got to the last day of 2010. But what is the new year? 365 days where others are giving the best of us, is the repetition of a cycle where we are going to engage in new and old adventures. It 's a part of our life where we say, in the previous part I did so and I'll do better in the next, I expect this, I'll try to do that, I'll try to remake the best thing there. The new cycle, we have put in harmony with the motion of Earth's revolution around the sun. At this time we do the budgets of all our activity is for projects that end during the cycle, and for those that are part of a more complex purpose. So the new year will be important to prove to ourselves that we are adept at carrying out the things that we started in the previous year, and to improve and maintain our high capacity we svilupatto in previous revolutions. So as not to wish to go all out and live 100% in 2011!? How can we not wish to give dignity to 2011, nor wish to enjoy every day and getting up in the morning with a smile and say, hell I expect a new day, let's see what will bring me beautiful!? build this 2011 all times and let us take the results! Best wishes for happy, healthy, peaceful and constructive 2011!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cervix High For A Long Time

What about towards the end of the year accumulate thoughts and let yourself go a bit. With the cold freezes the desire to write, expand the time and thinks much more slowly. It tasted more of the quiet period and is reflected in the labors of the year: you do budgets. An amazing year, best lap times on each race that I played well last year. Improved Performance in climb, speed, racing on long and short. I went to do a climb of 50km ultramarathon race on a closed just above 1000 m 3 '/ km within a month. I did 3 half, I am involved in two championship races and I finished 31 races. 320 km of racing over to 250 last year. In total mileage up to this year Pochini: only 2309 to 2170 but higher than last year. A truly fascinating and exciting year. I'm glad of having taken the time spent. These data are trivial compared to many athletes I had the pleasure of knowing that this year, but I'm really proud. I'm very proud and I am also particularly pleased with the plate that I was delivered to the party end of the year from my company, Studium et Stadium. Plate which also went to my father for his achievements. I must say I am very happy for him above all because, in proportion to the age and condition of his knee, I consider it much better than me. To make meglio il concetto vi riporto le sue parole riguardo la targa: non pensavo che avrei avuto un riconoscimento sportivo a 63 anni compiuti.
Per il resto, penso che non ci sia bisogno di aggiungere altro, tutto è già scritto nei numerosi post precedenti. A breve posterò anche il riepilogo degli ultimi 2 mesi di corsa e sarà archiviato questo 2010. Concludendo, vorrei solo dare il ringraziamento a tutti quelli che mi hanno incoraggiato o che si sono preoccupati per me e che credono sempre in questo sport e a chi lo pratica. Grazie!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Blu Ray Player Netflix

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Average Cost To Fix Plumbing Of A Dishwasher

Happy Birthday Jesus not only calls ...

La corsa non è solo correre and make time but in all sports and especially in this world are special people. They are some real characters in the positive sense of the word. That is, people characterized by a character and a very strong personality and very interesting. The sport and the ride is a really great to get to know and be often at home, in their own world, at home. This I could feel is when I went to Pistoia, and when I'm at regional competitions, and when I did when I did both cycling and skating. So happens that Friday night at the dinner that will be my new company (for now not advance at all and leave you with doubt hihihihihihi) and the festival circuit Curresardignajò, sabato sera, mi sia trovato a riflettere nuovamente su questo pensiero. C'è tanta gente allegra, umile e veramente alla mano. Venerdì poi il tempo è volato e mi son ritrovato a parlare con i Tm della mia nuova squadra per più di 2 ore... credo di aver mangiato poca pizza per la distrazione e normalmente non è da me hihihihihi. Sono sicuro che mi divertirò un mondo in questa nuova esperienza e spero che potrò dare come atleta sempre delle buone prestazioni. Per quanto riguarda il Curresardignajò l'ho vinto nella mia categoria. La partecipazione a 9 delle 11 gare in programma mi ha premiato con il primo posto in classifica. E anche delle buone gare mi hanno permesso di avere un bel pò di punti. E' a great circuit and I think that must be sustained in the best way. It 's a circuit to master and amateur, that part of the runners that run the island to be every Sunday for a run, runners are the ones that lead many young children who are running an important part of young athletes who could be the future of' athletics. Are those, for example, that could be the pride of Italy at the Olympics. A very great concept but I think there is everything and I think that's also why we must give a hand to master. The master then they are in that percentage, which makes the company much healthier, more active (the race is only a part, but all lovers of various sports are important). There will be those significant results that are absolute (but in proportion to the age of the cases are startling of all respect as that which is given to professional athletes) but have a high social value. Then this circuit enhances the Sardinian products and this does not say anything except that the Sardinian products are excellent. Yesterday then, when they called me, I was very happy. And 'the happiness that often seems to leave me indifferent, I smiled and great serenity, but inside leaves me a lot! I hope that this circuit go ahead and become more involved and interesting to complete.
Saturday evening was also honored that my father could even do a few races in but more recently we learned that he just made a bad knee fracture pluriframmentata, chondropathy, dislocation, thickening and deposits. A bulletin of war, in short. The doctor does not understand how can he stand up and while running and now probably will not have to undergo an operation, I think the race has just avoided all the pain that should be very strong. These issues affect old and misadventures have emerged as they have not explained why my father felt the knee from getting stuck when he started to run. Problem with a sedentary lifestyle did not feel pain if not that arose from time to time. I am very sorry because my father could possibly go much stronger than what he has done so far.
For the rest of this period, the real race was put aside. Games, the mental focus to heavier training has been left aside and I just finished take 5 days of total vacation from racing. After that I started to run but I would have preferred a visit made by two days of rest and a slight stroke repeated 4 times in a row. In fact, after 5 days still, personally, I have problems calling in the body axis. I feel bad run, I feel my back and hips bent, I problemini right knee and leg. But fortunately after a few out for more. Last night then I did a little more than 15 km at 4'17''/ km and I had no problems. I said then that will observe a very relaxing without too much stress. Although it may take to do a few races in January, this period will extend until February and I will try not to overdo it in training (perhaps I'll put in the pipeline many miles). So finally I would say that the race is not just racing but also new knowledge, health, tourism, sports and knowledge of the area and more. Sport and in this case the race is made up of races, but also of periods and moments that enrich the physical and mental life of each one of us.
PS Deandrea thanks Fausto! returned the greeting that we've done, tea and the whole family!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Culinary Student Resumes

October 2010

1: 8km at 4'12''/ km
2: Track, 2.4 km in 4'04''/ rec km + 5 '+ 2 x 800 (3'32''/ km and 5 rec ') + 4x400 (1'20''rec 1') + 3
1000m: Race Bidderosa 11.6 km in 50'27''
5: 5.8 km uphill accelerations.
7: Track, 4-2k '/ km in 3'38''1k + + 5' to 3'28''1k + rec / rec km + 5 '+ 3x400 (1'19''rec 2')
8: 5.8 km circuit board (the first lap in 4'15''/ km, the second lap in 3'56''/ km)
9: Race Luras 7.5 km in about 27 '
11: 18.5 km to 4'48' (1h28'45'' record percorso test scalata Bonaria)
13:12,380 km a 4'07''/km (accelrazioni in salita)
14: 13,580 km a 4'09''/km
15: 4km + 2 accelrazioni di 420 metri a 3'26''/km e 3'15''/km + 2km
17: 12,4km a 4'08''/km + 5km di sera a 5'07''/km
19 : 8km a 4'34''/km
20 : 11,6km a 4'14''
22 : 4 km a 4'05''/km + 2 ' rec + 2,5 km lenti + 2x420 a 3'05''/km + 2,5km lenti.
24 : Mezza di Olbia in 1h20'54''
25 : 9,6km a 4'23''/km
27 : 3,6km a 4'35''/km (2 salite e 2 discese) + 5' rec + 900m in salita tirati a 4'23''/km + discesa in recovery than 1.5 km.
28: 12.8 km at 4'19''/ 29 km climb
: 2.9 km + 5 lenses' rec + 2x420 at 3'05''/ km + 4.5 km 4'23''/
31 km: 17.3 km at 4'15''/ km climb