Monday, November 15, 2010

How Much Used Gun Pawn Shop

XIII Trofeo Sant'Andria 28'58''- 7.250 km

Sant'Andria XIII Trofeo is a race to honor. Its strong points are many: from the country so attractive framed by Mount Gonare to the many churches, the leading sectors of sport and art that are deeply rooted in this country to the path that we will face heavy and impressive. From the tender price of just € 2.50 to the fact that it is the last leg of Curresardiniajò. Indeed there one more icing on the cake: the refreshments huge, extraordinary, with everything you may desire. And then today was the presence of Roberto Rutigliano, returning from Athens and the world military championships. Then there was the new super champion Bahi Nour Eddine we are learning about the fact that all records of remodeling island walking competition. A tremendous athlete! With this background it must be also well be a hundred miles round trip, defeating the morning fog blankets and stand slightly behind at 9 and a half in the country! The day was wonderful and the lunch hour it was hard to be in short sleeves because of the heat, and while it was expected The scorching sun made us a refreshing revival tanning. Then a bright sunny day with the presence in the categories below, cheerful as always. Soon comes our turn.
Men and women together on the 1450 meters of new trail hard, to be repeated 5 times. My two rounds of heat leaves me only one thought: today I come home healthy. So do not be! The course, despite the tearing up and down and the long sequence of curves, it is difficult but does not have much difficulty prohibitive, it goes on without too much trouble even if the reduced width of the streets makes you think otherwise.
Le gambe che sbattono in discesa e su vari fondi stradali che passano dall’asfalto, al ciottolato, al lastricato non danno quei problemi che si pensa. Sarà l’adrenalina della gara ma mi scordo pure dei doloretti che in queste 3 settimane mi davano fastidio. Il fiato però è corto e le discese non aiutano il recupero. Troppo ripide. In salita mi difendo e nonostante qualcuno mi superi con passo agilissimo non mi scoraggio e continuo con la mia velocità. Calo nel terzo e nel quinto giro finale. Ho voglia di sdraiarmi per terra ma in un modo o nell’altro arrivo, non mi rendo conto neanche che il traguardo è 50 metri davanti a me per causa della mia disattenzione e mi fermo prima. Poi ritorno a correre, arrive completely exhausted. I like this new path so much more than last year, and starting with a slightly wider, personally, I think that would be phenomenal! Path then I put a lot of evidence and probably in a different time of year I would have gone a little better but it's a good day and the heat helped me. Today I am also good legs. I had a good race after all. With my 28'58''I travel to 4 '/ km to 7.250 km. I think 20''/ km compared to a race on the flat and straight can be removed.
After the award go to the mega party and after tasting the various dishes, side dishes and desserts and coffee and beer and limoncello and etc are going to go home. But the evening is not over. In fact my father is able to contact a prestigious local artist who was his companion on the art school, artist Nunzio Nivola. There is and there starts a part of the day as beautiful. Come on in his house that doubles as a permanent exhibition and study. We know his family very people who are really in the hand and leg. But the artistic charge of this man is remarkable: he is an artist in everything, in word, act, in ways of doing things and of course, is left-handed. Of all that I have learned a great deal of his art strikes me hoe: a parallel between the woman and the hoe. Woman finds herself in the form of this tool is that it has a very strong bond because it was more female than male intuition that created "the civilization of the hoe." What can I say, a Sunday very rich!

PS After a long time back in the race, my father and despite his knee locked, and an annoying pain in the calf ends the race well and realizing that seems to have done well, my father and I can say that the races and often cause problems sometimes, however, the adrenaline you feel pain or has a healing power. Mysteries of the race!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Whippets Effect On The Brain

decisions and goals.

So it is that some days a bit dull do you think, came the first decisive change of season, the first cold, the wind that gets in the bones and the decrease of light in our days. So you get to see the end of a year in the imagination of our minds. If we suffer a lot since I understand that the winter weather, the first releases with bad weather affecting much my thoughts. She decides to go thought to have long-term goals which always keep a healthy dose of office. If the wind and cold do not get along with my body, let alone se ci aggiungo degli allenamenti per tenermi un po veloce che si sono rilevati un po critici, la situazione mi dice che forse è ora di tirare un i remi in barca. Oltretutto le gambe chiedono un periodo di tranquillità e un riposo attivo più esteso. Certi segnali son difficili da descrivere ma credo di essermi fatto capire se dico che ogni tanto dubito del sostegno che ho nelle gambe. Niente di preoccupante , piccoli indolenzimenti che fanno fatica a passare che uniti a poca resistenza e senso di fragilità mi suggeriscono di andare più piano. Per la fine dell'anno forse farò massimo altre Three races, more realistically will be only one or two, the first in the short and in December. However, these races I will do without thinking too much inertia and to manage the outputs in their function. Instead I will concentrate from now on to put up a new base made of good runs quieter without the slightest thought of going to work hard (I'll be fine if it decides to somehow force training). I'll try to do more miles and I will concentrate less on speed. I would also say that using the date of October 24 where I did half of Olbia, I'll give those eight months that separate me from Abetone Pistoia (trying at all costs to be present again this year) and I will try from now to address as a function of the race my outputs. I will try to cmq most races in the region during the early part of next year and find brilliance in this is that in practice replace the little speed that I will do throughout this period (probably I will dedicate a workout per week). Then who knows maybe I will do the adjustments route. As I said now I need a bit of relaxation to better face the winter and to avoid problems and pains that often I have always accompanied from late November onwards, and also it will give me much impetus for the new year. Also this is a time of change and multiple decisions and the race (as a physical training) will be part without choking and take too much energy, but rather, be a gentle companion more than ever. Obviously we understand that this post serves to boost mental rather than that decision has as its purpose. Let's start over again to reinforce the foundations, the mood now is very good and ready! You see how stable it is a pyramid ... :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cervical Mucus A Day Before Expected Period

September 2010

It 's really not much that I update the list after racing .. September features several tracks here, too, since at this time I can not even more a correrci come nelle giornate peggiori del periodo estivo. Ho tanta voglia di salita e strada! eppure la pista è la pista, ottima quando si ha voglia di volare e di prendersi male con i tempi :)

1 settembre: 8km a 4'/km.
3 settembre: pista, 5km a 3'50''/km + 4'rec + 2x600 (a 3'19''/km con rec di 3') + 3' rec + 2x800 (a 3'22''/km con 3'rec) + 3' rec + 2x600 (3'20''/km con 3'rec) + 4'rec + 3x400 (3'14''/km con 1' rec) + 2km a 3'55''/km.
4 settembre: 5km a 4'20''/km.
5 settembre: 5,8km a 3'36''/km (Gara Stintino).
6 settembre: 8km a 4'20''/km.
7 settembre: pista, 5km a 3'46''/km + 5'rec + 1km a 3'27''/km + 5'rec + 2km a 3'39''/km + 5' rec + 1000 a 3'26''/km + 4' rec + 800 a 3'26''/km + 4' rec + 2x600 (a 3'20''/km con rec ) + 4' rec + 2x400 (3'18''/km con rec 1') + 3' rec + 2 km 3'54''/km.
9 settembre: pista, 4km a 3'55''/km + 5' rec + 2x600 (3'12''/km con 3' rec) + 3' rec + 5x400 (da 3'18''/km a 3'08''/km con 1' rec) + 3km a 3'47''/km.
11 settembre: 7,1km a 3'43''/km (gara Pozzomaggiore).
13 settembre: pista, 3km a 3'51''/km + 5' rec + 2km a 3'41''/km + 5' rec + 2km a 3'40''/km + 5' rec + 1000 a 3'26''/km + 4'rec + 1000 a 3'25''/km + 4' rec + 2x600 (3'20''/Km a 3'18''/km) + 1000 a 3'30''/km + 5'rec + 2 x400( 3'13''/km con 1' rec) + 3' rec + 2km 3'55/km.
15 settembre: 4km a 4'20''/km + 3' rec + 4km a 4'28''/km.
16 settembre: pista, 3,2km a 4'09''/km + 5'rec + 1200 a 3'47''/km + 4' rec + 1000 a 3'40''/km + 4' rec + 1200 a 3'52''/km 4' rec + 8x400 (da 3'30''/km a 3'20''/km with rec 1 ') + 1 200 meters in 4'38''/ km.
September 17: 6km lenses.
September 18: race in Alghero, 6.8 km in 3'39''/ km.
Sept. 19: at 4'31'' 6.9 km / km.
September 20: Cossoine race, 3'37''to 6 km / km.
Sept. 21: at 4'29'' 5.6 km / km.
September 22: track, 5km 3'54''/ km + 5 '+ 2x1000 rec (at 3'28''/ km rec 4') + 4 '+ rec 1200 4'13''/ km + 2km 3'53''/ km + 5 'rec + 5x400 (at 3'13''/ km rec 1') + 3 '+ rec 4/km in 2800.
September 23: 10.3 km in 4'23''/ km.
September 25: Race Boroughbridge, 7.8 km pulled.
September 26: 8.5 km race in Nulvi (trail) pulled a 4'04''/ km.
September 27: track, 3k at 3'51''/ km + 5 '+ 3x1000 rec (from 3'37''/ 3'27''km / km with 5 rec') + 5 '+ rec 3x400 (at 3'10''/ km rec 1 ') + 5' rec + 3x400 (at 3'10''/ km rec 1 ') + 1km to 4' / Km
September 29: to 10.8 km 4'11''/ km.
September 30: track, 4km to 3'57''/ km + 5 '+ 3x1200 rec (from 3'40''/ 3'33''km / km with 5 rec') + 5 '+ rec 800 to 3'25''/ km + 5 'rec + 4x400 (at 3'18''/ km rec 1') + 5 '+ rec 2km 3'54''/ km + 5' to 4'10''rec + 4km / km.