Monday, March 14, 2011

Garretts Popcorn Diarrhea

Latest Events Events

Fine settimana all'insegna del ciclismo in terra D'Abruzzo.
L'arrivo e partenza della Tirreno-Adriatico ha movimentato la solita routine.
Oltre ai professionisti in gara, ci sono stati anche nostri atleti che hanno partecipato alla GF del Conero (Ancona), il nostro Enzo ha partecipato alla Coppa Abruzzo a Francavilla classificandosi 8° di categoria e 15° assoluto. Altri gruppi hanno seguito sia alla partenza che lungo la strada la corsa dei due mari.
La solita uscita domenicale pre un gruppo ne è uscita un pò malconcia per la divisione in tanti gruppi tra chi ha voluto seguire l'evento principale e quelli  che hanno preferito fare una bella pedalata. Ci scusiamo se non siamo riusciti a stare all together, but the arrival of the stage with the pros was too tempting.
Another group instead has made a good buck of 140 km to Martock, where they witnessed the passage of the Tirreno-Adriatico. Standings
GF Del Conero:
long race, Maurizio and Marco respectively 31 ° and 32 °.
short race, Bruno, Sergio, Carmine, Pierandrea, Ivo, Charles and Luke, good positions.
link in the photos on Saturday and Sunday's pro race.
Grande Danilo Di Luca, who is coming back in great shape, DANILO FORCE!

Greetings to all, to the next.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best Police Scanner For The Money

15 ^ 17'19''Run Uri 4.530 k

15^ Corri Uri presente!!! Parliamo di uno dei paesi più rilevanti quando si porta in causa il carciofo del nord Sardegna, ed infatti non come l’anno scorso, ma invero come due anni fa, la competizione podistica è abbinata alla 21^ sagra del carciofo. Tanti stand, tante bancarelle e tanta gente al lavoro per proporre i loro buonissimi prodotti! Purtroppo però la giornata ventosa e la pioggia và e vieni rovina un po’ il tutto. Di positivo c’è il fatto che non è freddissimo e il riscaldamento pre gara non sarà una sofferenza inutile tra l’aria gelida. Tutte le categorie sono presenti ma nonostante tutto la partecipazione non sarà elevatissima e ciò still takes a bit more 'panache to the event. Last year was much better but the weather made everything much more fun! However, my spirit is quite unlike this gay weather ail me normally.

I want to compete and find many friends who are spending time very quickly. That said it is normal that the warming will turn into one of the best times of the day and with this I would say go to the race.
This path today, as I was told, is three editions ago when I was not present. It is characterized by a slightly downhill start, double curve left and incline toward the exit of the country that passes in front of the church of Santa Croce and then start for the cemetery. To get you in front of the cemetery a few more hundred meters in floor and you find yourself at the turning point. This is also the area where the breezy wind literally stopped me. After shooting you go back and cross their opponents, and down a slight descent back upon arrival. The circuit is to be repeated 5 times and according to the garmin should be around 906 meters for a total of 4530 meters. These are minor problems. For much of the rest of the road paved with pebbles and gave a bit of trouble more than expected and the curve and slid it into the most outstanding in a light. So a simple race but pulled that as a whole was not to be underestimated. But I took me to my make my life difficult and just started shooting forward like a thirsty man to the oasis and I position my second. After the first curve slow down and averted the danger of clogging in the first corner I do achieve. I would not complicate the legs and waiting for someone to pull me and protect me from the wind. Nothing to do, step well at the end of the first lap and picking up the second splice me anyway. Perhaps the first acceleration was too strong!! Falling behind and not go. However, do not panic, after a little 'problems find a good management. But the race is to finish and in the final laps, and after another I try to resume the position lost who I was before, without success.

A strange but very nice race: the first few laps almost smile for the simple fact that I run and during this ride I feel a little 'best of the past races. I am well and despite the heavy legs are peaceful and happy. Arrival destroyed and the fact that they had the desire to accelerate towards the end is a good thing!. The final average is 8 +, I was hoping a little better, but do not throw: 3'49''/ km. The conduct of the race, however, is disastrous. I can get my average lap with the help of my assistant coach ed era meglio non leggerle: 3’30’’/km – 3’50’’/km – 4’00’’/km – 3’57’’/km – 3’51’’/km. Cambiamo argomento!!
Purtroppo unica cosa negativa, che non vorrei mai scrivere, è la non presenza dell’acqua che se fosse per un motivo di soldi, con l’aggiunta di soli 0,50 euro, (che avrei ben pagato se penso che oggi c’era da sborsare solo 1,50 di Fidal) la sua apparizione avrebbe dato alla gara un atmosfera di ottima impressione. L’acqua non dovrebbe mai mancare. Per il resto mi sono molto divertito e ringrazio gli organizzatori. In ogni caso c’è sempre da apprezzare a path totally closed to traffic and the effort to create an event that gives us a different Sunday in the company of other runners.
however, filed this race, in which fortunately return the 2nd on the podium and take a nice cestinetto, I think the next race which will serve as a test to understand where they are from last year. Same location, same time! Very good, do not ask for better!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pennsylvania Gay Crusing Areas


It begins Saturday, Tirreno-Adriatico will arrive in Chieti Saturday 12 and will leave the following day from Chieti Scalo. We propose to see both stages live, of course, cycling. Saturdays you can just go out and get lunch with one of the most up and see the passage of pro, Sunday during the exit you can go from the village starting in Chieti Scalo to poke a little between the professionals and then leave immediately for our "walk".
These appointments weekend: Sunday, March 13
- GF Cinelli Conero (Ancona) , a standard bearer for our great good luck!
- Exit Sunday, meet at 8:30 Dragonara front of the restaurant, you can go in the direction passing through Piazza Marconi Chieti Chieti Scalo in the village where we will be prepared for the Tirreno-Adriatico, a few minutes away for Manopello, Serramonacesca, Roccamontepiano, Pretoro, Rapino, Fara, Francavilla and return to the starting point. Path of medium difficulty. Estimated Time: sunny (we hope it does not rain). Greetings to all

Friday, March 4, 2011

Chart Open A Combination Lock

Out Sunday - March 6, 2011 1st Test Cup

Meeting at 9:00 at the usual place, starting as soon as possible. This is the last Sunday leaving at 9:00 will be followed in alle 8:30.
Il giro che faremo sarà in parte simile alla GF Danilo Di Luca che si correrà il 5 Giugno.
Partenza dal solito posto, davanti al piccolo bar sulla riviera, poi passando per Orsogna, Guardiagrele e Rapino raggiungiamo Pretoro, da lì discesa verso Chieti Scalo attraversando Roccamontepiano, Serramonacesca e Manoppello. Vista la discesa forse è il caso di portarsi un gilet o una giacca antivento.
Tempo previsto per domenica : "Nubi Sparse alternato a molto nuvoloso", temperatura tra i 7 e 11 gradi.
Difficoltà del percorso media.
Saluti a tutti, a domenica.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mucinex D And Erectile Dysfunction


Domenica, zona Porto di Pescara, una giornata piuttosto fredda per gareggiare. Si inizia prima con un Heating nice to be ready to go immediately to a strong start, as required by this type of circuit.
In the race of our veteran rider Rocco and Vincent were very distinct, always sailing in the top positions, including in the final sprint resolved with a general (see photo). In the race for junior / senior, with the only participant of the team, Lori Perfetti, there was an escape of six men in mid-race with two athletes from the team, "Nature Abruzzo" who had other eight elements in the group who worked to break the exchange rate and allow fugitives to cross the finish line.

Tutto sommato un buon inizio con le nostre nuove divise che si sono fatte notare nel gruppo !!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Las Vegas Gay Dark Room

January and February 2011

I close in February with a month of training in more ... 184 km more than last year whereas on 28 February. I am more than satisfied, also the times in general seemed a little better and even longer seem positive ... if I'm off balance, on long, I find a condition equal to what I had in April last year. I hope to continue this trend.
January 1: 5'17''to 5.1 km / km
January 2: 5'12''10km / km
January 3: 4'14''to 6.2 km / km + 2 '+ rec 4km at 4'29''/
January 5 km: 4km at 3'53''/ km + 2 '+ rec 6km at 4'27''/ km
January 6: 19.460 km in 4'41''/ km ( accelerated to the end after 35 'approximately)
January 7 : 10.3 km at 5'15''/
January 8 km: 4'21''to 6.5 km / km + 3x420 (3'25''/ km - 3'22''/ km - 3'13 ''/ km rec 3 ') + 2.3 km in 4'34''/ km
January 9: 21.3 km at 4'17''/ km in hilly
January 11: 6.5 km to 4' 13''/ km + 2x420 (3'15''/ km - 3'13''/ km rec 3 ') + 2.870 at 4'25''/ km
January 12: 14.9 km 4'28' '/ km (rec walking at 30 ° and 52 ° 2')
January 13: 10km a 4’49’’/km
14 gennaio: 6,9 km a 4’26’’/km + 3’ rec + 420m a 3’13’’/km + 2,9km a 4’46’’/km
16 gennaio: 6,2km gara Corrincentro a 3’59’’/km + 6 km in serata a 5’10’’/km
18 gennaio: 15,9 km a 4’30’’/km (con camminata di 3’ al 40° compresa)
19 gennaio: 16,4km a 4’25’’/km
20 gennaio: 4,1km tranquilli + 2x640 (3’34’’/km rec 3’) + 2km tranquilli
23 gennaio: 5,4km Cross Olbia a 3’53’’/km
24 gennaio: 10,1km a 4'31''/ km
January 26: 24.7 km at 4'31''/ km
January 27: 10.2 km at 4'38''/ km
January 29: 13.6 km in 4'24 ' '/ km
January 31: 27 km in 4'38''/ km
February 2: 4'31''to 5.2 km / km 5x240m + 4% rec cam down to 3'41''/ + 5 km , 3 km quiet.
February 4: 4'21''to 5.6 km / km + 5x240 4% rec cam down to 3'39''/ km + 3.9 km quiet.
February 5: 31km cycling: a synthesis to 26.9 km / h on average.
February 7: 21.3 km at 4'40''/ km.
February 9: 2.5 km in 10'51''to 4'20''/ km + 4x1000 (Baldinca) at 3'43''/ km 2 rec '+ 1km still very quiet.
After 2 hours and 30, 7.6 km very quiet.
February 11: 5.6 km in 4'15''/ km + 6x240 4% rec cam. disc. 3'32''/ km + 5.4 km in 4'35''/ km.
February 12: 6.1 km in 4'42''/ km
February 14: 8.2 km in 4'27''/ km
February 15: 20.450 km in 4'23''/ km
February 16: 3 7km 5'06''/ km
February 17: 2.85 km quiet + 3x1000 to 3'56''/ km 1000 meter run slow rec (Baldinca) + 2.2 km peaceful
February 18: 5.270 km in 4'11 '/ 1'30''rec + km + 5.270 km still to 4'18''/ km
February 19: 3 , 4km to 5'50''/ km
February 20: United Fund Sulcis 25k to 4'16''/ km
February 21: 8km at 4'38''/ km
February 22: 8.5 km to 4 ' 25''/ km
February 23: 4k to 4'18''/ 3'24''to 4x420 + km / km 2 average rec 'stop quiet
+ 24 February 1500: 9.2 km in 4'27''/
Feb. 25 km: 5'05''to 4.3 km / km
February 26: 28.2 km at 4'31''/ km
February 28: 3 km in 4'15''/ km + 4x1000 (Baldinca) at 3'39''/ km + 2.6 km rec 2'fermo quiet .