Monday, February 28, 2011

Radiology Technician Hard

Latest Events

Iniziamo con il raccontare della corsa al porto di Pescara.
I Nostri portacolori si sono comportati più che onorevolmente, nella volata di gruppo erano tutti lì davanti a contendersi le prime posizioni. Appena disponibili pubblicheremo piazzamenti e foto.
Un altro gruppo invece ha percorso il tracciato pubblicato venerdì, modificandolo leggermente, infatti abbiamo percorso un pò più di 100 km. Partiti da Pescara, abbiamo attraversato Silvi Marina, Pineto Casoli direction and then climb up to Montefino; that climb! Back to all, given the hour. To frame the beautiful winter landscape.
Greetings to all, to the next.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Gay Cruising In Hell's Kitchen

Next Exit - Sunday, February 27, 2011 Last

usual place (the small bar between Pescara and Francavilla) meeting at 9:00, starting as soon as possible, be on time. It will be quite cold in the morning with temperatures around zero, then in the morning the sun will warm up a bit. We will do a good lap unreleased (or almost) as per attached map with altitude. We will
da Silva, Atri, Montefino, Chapels and Spoltore. Less than 100 km, Easy. A
Sunday, Greetings.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Scuba Diving Hairstyles For Women


Has anyone seen the video presentation of the team? No comment on that? Suggestions or comments? Sunday
nice ride with many participants, met for the entire route suggested the day before.
This time we took a long train of return, we thank former teammates, Luke and Joseph, for letting us come aboard and towed at speeds between beautiful and Guardiagrele Miglianico.
Greetings to all, to the next.
If you have any advice for a beautiful run ....... well you say!


LINK TO PHOTOS Sunday, February 20, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Why My Tongue Is Very Sensitive And Cuts

5th Great Memorial Fund Sulcis Mandaresu-25k 1h46'30''

February was to remain empty one month from the point of view of the walking competition. But there was a possibility. Since January, I saw this Great Fund Sulcis on schedule, 226 km from my house. A great trip! The distance and the cold months I had enticed a lot and I preferred not to do it. By the way, heard good things and the fact that fosse un percorso in mezzo ai boschi mi stimolava parecchio. Inoltre era un ottimo lungo da fare come allenamento tosto per la mia partecipazione alla Pistoia Abetone. Indeciso, dopo un pò avevo lasciato perdere e mi sono concentrato su altri impegni. Poi però l’imprevisto arriva con Anna Giunchi. Deve sbarcare in Sardegnaaaaaaaaaaaa per la prima volta e parteciperà alla corsa. Inizio a parlarci un po’ e lei mi dice più volte di venire. Un duro colpo viene assestato: avrei proprio voglia di correre e di conoscere la leggendaria Anna!! Poi entra in causa anche Sergio Fulgheri, mi invoglia anche lui, dovrà partecipare, inizia uno scambio di informazioni e qui devo ammetterlo, ho già deciso, ma siamo agli ultimi giorni. Così a una settimana dalla gara mi faccio iscrivere! Sergio mi ricorda la Pistoia Abetone! L’ho conosciuto lì, lui di Santadi, io di Sassari e ci si trova all’Abetone! Lui è una persona gentilissima e un atleta molto forte, capace di arrivare secondo dei sardi dietro al formidabile Efisio Usai nell’ultra di 50km in salita più famosa d’Italia.
Così si arriva al giorno della gara, si parte e in un lampo ci troviamo alla chiesa di Santa Lucia (e suo piccolo parco), a pochi km da Capoterra, e sede del ritrovo.

Troviamo subito i gentilissimi coniugi Sole che mi spediranno delle bellissime foto e chiacchieriamo con loro. Più tardi prendo il numero ed eccola: Anna! La riconosco subito e lei mi vede e mi stritola in un abbraccio. Ci si accorge subito della sua spontaneità! Che dire di Anna?: ci ho passato questo breve tempo tra pre e dopo gara ma con lei ci si prende confidenza subito, sembra che la conosci da sempre, una persona educata e solare, energica e molto in gamba!!! Sono proprio contento di averla conosciuta e spero di rivederla presto!!!! Poi trovo Sergio e ci si mette tutti a chiacchierare. Oltretutto ci dà le ultime dritte sul percorso e la sua gentilezza si trasforma in un permesso per mio padre per far parte delle macchine dell’organizzazione. Con tutte queste belle cose il momento dello start arriva più che presto e ci troviamo subito to grind the first km of the route. Secci front and Salaris (winner of the marathon on the sand last week) fly off during the ascent and within minutes I will see them again until the finish, which come with positions unchanged. However, we're almost there now about 4 '/ km Sergio and I always find in a companion for nearly half of the race route. We have the same pitch and I think, in fact, that a little 'I waited, I think he could leave sooner. I also thank him for the encouragement he gave me in difficult moments came during the first few kilometers where the road would take to ride really, that is about to the 14 km mark.

But the race was like? Wonderful! Unfortunately I have not seen much around me, I was very focused and quiet. The look of the street or on the backs and curves in front of me. But I know, I am aware of the show to the sides: green surround the peripheral vision, I have flashes of the pond and stream, note the sound of running water, mountains down the street, announcing the clouds and then rain Unfortunately, the commitment reminds me a lot more gravel, the road kept almost as natural as possible, a good environmental choice! The setting is spectacular, but then the day, alas, was overcast with a cold wind that almost 500 meters above sea level I was bent over giving me more problems than expected in addition to those of my crisis in the most harsh. But the icy wind, which made me a hand with almost white and light blue tones, and that made me sore left arm, was not negative at all: it was as part of the route. He gave a hardness test itself should not be underestimated. There are 25 km of gravel road to 90% (except the first and last mile) always tend to rise with some change of slope in which to retrieve a test of strategy and head before the 19th in which the slopes, not harsh, but which tend to push you wear out and then make you dive towards the finish. Immediately after these delights uphill then a nice downhill run to where all in the first km. You get to fly half. If you have legs you can twist the better your ranking and get you to earn minutes. You get to the finish line with the feelings that ask you to stop and think that it was better to arrive with the initial slope that takes you down to only just below the 25 th. But still we must push and push so much!. From a distance you hear the voice of the regional president of the fanfare and Fidal Sharpshooters: no more than half a km. Around silence and nature. Check with a great desire to celebrate! It seems to me that he got a podium, however, are absolute and 23 °, form the basis of a 3rd class and a 4'16''/ km on average. But they are so pleased to have closed this race and it took close teeth that seems to have made an undertaking. After the 50 km is my longest race. For now I'd only done half! How nice!

Now I find myself eagerly drink many glasses of hot tea in the restaurant, then go back and wait for Anna and pass them I say, Brava Anna!. Find the strength to thank me. Wins the race and will be happy this weekend!. So you get even the ceremony. It takes me a bit 'sad to say goodbye to everyone, and in turning around and take a look at forests and friendly faces to take me a bit' of nostalgia and melancholy. He comes home and hopefully in new adventures e in nuovi momenti senza ne tempo ne pensieri. E’ stata una giornata magnifica!

Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Make Fake Weed That You Can

Next Exit - Sunday, February 20, 2011

Meeting at 9:00, starting as soon as possible. It is recommended that the punctuality. Always the same place, on the border between Pescara and Francavilla, in the small bar. Classic route, you pass from Fara, robbery, Bocca di Valle before falling back to Guardiagrele Orsogna, Ortona return.
Low difficulty.
Estimated Time: partly cloudy.
Greetings to all, through Sunday.

PS: Last Sunday "gravy", then you will start to increase the mileage.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Can I Get A Portable Antenna For A Boombox


When you work with determination, passion and commitment so you can always achieve great results.
years ago we started with cycling at local gatherings. Today, GF Guido Angelini Group Memorial Rommel is projected in the high-level competitions throughout the country.
proudly point out the link to the site DNA, the information magazine of the Angelini Group, we thank their preparation for the nice article.
We wait for the second edition of the event, this year will take place Sunday, May 1, 2011.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Birthday Cake Facebook Wall

Hello Mark!

Corporate Anniversary Speech Sample

How nice all TOGETHER ..... !

Yes, as the title says, to return the group of "Pro" to the group cycling together.
A descent at high speed by Fara saw the two groups unite as one body. Fantastic feeling for everyone! Sometimes you come home tired on Sunday and maybe a little bored and disappointed because you did the same streets, or because you were not always in ways that stay with friends to ride.
But yesterday there was an emotion generally, the fact that we caused it all together. Being able to, say, to resist speed some of the ordinary and ......... Well gentlemen, RIFAMOLO !!!!!
the "departure" large presence, then a group has traveled about 130 km rising from Guardiagrele and another group did the usual route of Columbus along just under 100km, then we met in Fara and thence fast descent of the large group to the meeting place.
Greetings to all, to the next.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Gayforit Itsallgay Similar

Next Exit - Sunday, March 13, 2011

usual place, usual time, 9:00 am meeting start as soon as possible.
To us the path we set before you leave, possibly to avoid as much as possible of the gruyere Valley Forum.
Weather: partly cloudy.
Greetings to all, through Sunday.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Brown Tar Like Blood After Antibiotics

And go ..... the sun! (Exit Sunday, February 6, 2011) Improvising

Encouraged by the forecast that gave a significant rise in temperatures we ventured to routes that until last week had to be "transit with chains." We were lucky because the temperatures were really hot and also the highest points of the sun made us very nice output, even at this point we give a little advice to the contrary as many people have suffered from the heat.
In these times it is better dressed, as they say, "onion-skin" or T-shirt with light underwear, top spring (or summer + sleeves) and vest, perhaps suffering a bit but then just left the house with the warm air, strip, depending on how you feel, avoiding excessive sweating! Greetings


Monday, February 7, 2011

Bejeweled Brazilian Wax

............( Output Sunday, February 6, 2011)

A nice ride improvisation, we were faced with walls up and down from more than race bike from Mountain Bike . Started from the same place through Miglianico, Vacri, Casacanditella, Fara to then return the same road in the valley now reduced to a Swiss cheese.
"Tom Tom Albert," he improvised a beautiful run though every now and has perso la "rotta", ma il bello del divertimento è proprio quello......
Grande Luciano che ha letteralmente spinto, per diversi chilometri, Antonio in preda ai crampi, bravo Presidente.
Saluti a tutti.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jordin Sparks Written By Zach And Cody

A bike ride ...

E capita che certe volte di corsa non ne vuoi neanche sentire parlare. Ci sono giorni in cui è l'attività meno consigliata, meglio il riposo per scaricare qualche km di troppo. Ma la voglia di non stare fermo ti inquieta, soprattuto se fuori il sole brilla. Così per sfidare quella leggera brezza gelida vanno bene una maglia corta, una a maniche lunghe, i pantaloni lunghi per correre e una bici. La mia C40 aveva ancor più voglia di me di vibrare lungo l'asfalto e appena l'ho picked it gave me what she felt in the clincher. Just as a snake, we headed along roads known to the sea, calm and addomentato to view it, to notice that already strolling sweethearts and families who took some air after the bad weather. A moment and go back. After the short descent overlooking the Gulf of Asinara you must pay the price of vision on the edge of 50 to 60 km / h, a gift of descent. That rose to return, but also: that freedom! 1 hour and 9 minute flight on the wings of a great sport. Today I also came to mind one thing: why did not spare sport? no, do not betray the race for the first love (although to be honest is the second after skating). The race transmit other deep feelings, and I'm sure those can be lacking. Of course the first kiss is never forgotten, but thanks to the race today if I did not even hard and I am almost able to come home very happy. In fact, return to cycling seriously is another thing, it is hard, and it is likely that some days there bickering. The proof of the fact that despite my jogging pace was brilliant thanks to the training, I did 31km at an average low: 26.9 km / h. My walks were the order of 120 km to 30km/ho training alone 60 - 70 km quietly at 34km / h. And even then it was nothing special. However, a great satisfaction to put that back to 52 .. -21/19/17 and all up to down, it was sweet music, the thumb was tac tac tac and crowns sdeng sdeng sdeng ... How long ...

Anyway after this training strategically placed there, you go back to talk about race: this time I run it, It went well in January and ended with 124km more than last year ... would be nice to continue on this amount, but soon I will more rest days and will be difficult. Particular note is that you have made some small step in that I filled up and left buttock pain: pain of those appear to be when we went to play football with friends and returned in pieces ... a few days and will pass. In a bit of resistance seems I have been working last year, but for now I'm still cautious about this thought. February will be very interesting to deal with.

good races at all and I hope that this beautiful face do a lot of time there!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How To Transfer Old Ontario Plates To New Car

bikes League 2011 January 30, 2010

Ecco qui l'elenco delle bici dei pro 2011, alcuni di questi modelli verranno utilizzati nel prossimo giro D'Italia (7-29 Maggio 2011).
Ovviamente a seconda della tipologia di corsa vengono usati anche altri tipi di telaio, sempre della stessa marca, esempio sono certe Classiche del Nord.
Iniziamo con i nostri team e corridori abruzzesi, come l'Acqua&Sapone , il team Katusha con Danilo Di Luca e L'Astana con Francesco Masciarelli infine la cantina Farnese Vini di Ortona :
Acqua&Sapone / Bottecchia "Emme2" - Ruote Bottecchia
Team Katusha / FOCUS "IZALCO" - Ruote DT Swiss
Astana / Specialized "Tarmac SL3" - Ruote Corima
Farnese-Neri / MCipollini "RB1000" - Ruote LiteWeight  
AG2r / Kuota "Kom Evo" - Ruote Reynolds
Androni Giocattoli / Bianchi "Oltre" - Ruote Fulcrum
BMC Racing Team / BMC "IMPEC" - Ruote Easton
Cofidis / LOOK "695" - Ruote Fulcrum
Colnago CSF / Colnago "C59 Italia" - Ruote Colnago  
DeRosa-Flaminia / DeRosa "KING3 RS" - Ruote Campagnolo
Euskaltel-Eusadi / Orbea "Orca" - Ruote Shimano
Garmin Cervelo / Cervelo "S3" - Ruote ZIPP  
GEOX-TMC / FUJI "Altamira" - Ruote DT Swiss  
HTC-Highroad / Specialized "Tarmac SL3" - Ruote Shimano  
Lampre-ISD / Wilier "Cento1 SLR" - Ruote Fulcrum
Leopard-Trek / Trek Madone 6.9 "- Wheels Bontrager
Liquigas-Cannondale / Cannondale" SuperSix HM "- Mavic Wheels
Miche-Guerciotti / Guerciotti" Eureka "- Wheels Miche
OmegaPharma-Lotto / Canyon aerodynamic CF "- Mavic Wheels
QuickStep / Eddy Merckx" EMX-7 "- Wheels Campagnolo
Rabobank / Giant TCR SL Advanced2" - Wheels Shimano
RadioShack / Trek Madone SSL 6.9 "- Wheels Bontrager
Saxo Bank Sungard / "Specialized "Tarmac SL3" - Ruote ZIPP  
Team Sky / Pinarello "Dogma 60.1" - Ruote DT Swiss  
Team Movistar / Pinarello "Dogma 60.1" - Ruote Campagnolo  
Vacansoleil / Ridley "Helium" - Ruote 4ZA