Tuesday, May 15, 2007
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On May 10, was held in St. Babila in Milan, at the Chambers Legal
following Esprinet spa in a labor relations
meeting between management and Rsa-Esprinet Unions
a point on the agenda the application of control systems
staff in the warehouse of Cambridge and the section 2 updates the rental business of
at the specific request of the Unions was reversed the order of
topics and has spoken primarily of the question rent / purchase / consequences.
The company announced that the leasing company will turn into
purchase and then all employees will have a
Actebis former location in Esprinet, this includes the group of Cambridge
currently not operational, the company now be placed in a precise
training plan.
The timetable for the closing of the transaction are still uncertain and then
there has been no confirmation about the voices that speak
the end of June.
The Unions have called for an openness to dialogue and negotiation
aimed at reaching a framework agreement on
issues such as the identification of objective parameters and the same for all
be used for the application of an economic contribution to all
those workers who had the burden to address the costs and inconvenience
a high mileage distance to get to work
, remuneration policy objectives with respect to premiums,
good meal and all those elements from the different acquisitions are currently
reason of diversity among employees.
The company said that with regard to the possibility of a
economic contribution is available to consider, but in a very individual
at its discretion, all
personal situations that employees will want to refer to as regards
discomforts of a high-mileage distance to reach the place of
work and give feedback in cases where there fossero, che
riterranno oggettivamente gravosi.
Per quanto riguarda quindi la possibilità di iniziare una vera e
propria relazione sindacale che porti ad un'integrazione del ccnl al
fine di migliorare le condizioni generali dei dipendenti e ad
armonizzare le diversità tra i dipendenti l'azienda si sottrae a
ribadendo fermamente la volontà di gestire autonomamente ed a propria
discrezione, come è sempre accaduto, queste problematiche.
L'azienda ha dichiarato che si rende disponibile a proporre
individualmente incentivazioni ai lavoratori che a fronte di queste
altre problematiche ritenessero impossibile la continuazione del loro
rapporto work employed by Esprinet.
It is also made available to extend the possibility of a
any such agreement to a community of employees,
on a voluntary basis.
The RSA and the Unions have indicated that feel about it in the next few days
impressions and possible availability of
As regards the request made to the agreement by rsa
Esprinet of the need to use the sitemi
control personnel in the warehouse of Cambridge, such as those actually already
present in the structure, the proposal of the concerned Unions
possibility of use in alternative to these systems offered by the company,
that are considered to be very heavy, as well as a fair
also planned by the Statute of Workers.
In conclusion, the Unions have strongly reaffirmed the readiness
comparison and, considering also the business environment, the need to start with mutual
Esprinet a report on union concrete
issues mentioned above, aimed at a general improvement in conditions
Monday, May 7, 2007
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Actebis (135 employees)
October 17, 2006
Channel: Market & Strategies "Actebis Italy and UMD, double step Esprinet
Fall full of news for the IT distribution giant. The company Nova Milanese has announced that it acquired 100 percent of the distributor Umd English and, above all, the sensational capture of the Italian branch of Actebis
November 3, 2006
Esprinet near perfection acquisition Actebis Finanzaonline.com - / 11:32 The Otto Group, azionista di controllo di Actebis Holding, ha dato il via libera all’acquisizione del 100% del capitale di Actebis Computer Italia da parte di Esprinet. Lo rende noto, in un comunicato, la stessa società distributrice di informatica ed elettronica di consumo, dopo che lo scorso 17 ottobre aveva già annunciato la stipulazione di un accordo vincolante per l’acquisizione. Il perfezionamento della transazione resta ora subordinato unicamente all’approvazione dell’Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato.
15 Dicembre 2006
Conclusa l’acquisizione di Actebis
Esprinet ha comunicato di aver portato a termine l’acquisizione 100% capital Actebis Computer.
, crn
December 21, 2006
Actebis Almost all employees are required long periods of leave, pending the start of the second half of January training sessions that will precede any transfers and relocations in Esprinet locations. Some employees will also leave a negative.
February 2, 2007
's warehouse Actebis end each activity, from the beginning of January, only moved the goods in the warehouse Esprinet but now all the goods, instruments and facilities were transferred to Esprinet . The warehouse
Actebis few days will be temporarily closed for "security." Employees of the store receive a notice that immediately places them on holiday until the total exhaustion of the previous year and completed the return will be transferred to Cambridge.
February 19, 2007
RSA meeting with the Unions and direction declaring Esprinet 30 redundancies, and leave the negotiating table by breaking the deal.
February 26, 2007
Actebis employee strikes and demonstrations in Milan, in defense of jobs.
Esprinet officially known promptly makes a statement about the denial of redundancies.
March 1, 2007
also home to the offices of Caleppio Settala, as happened a month before the store is currently closed for reasons of "security."
employees are transferred to Nova and Cambridge.
May 2007
To date, ex-employees Actebis remained Esprinet are less than half!
Of these one part is used as a tasks professionally different from those of origin or even less, an 'the other hand, about a fortnight, are still not operational and therefore not relocated; the beginning of March to participate in training courses with unspecified purposes, among other things without having any information by Esprinet (except on any incentives at least small 'exodus offered individually) on what will be their future career.
day May 10 there will be a meeting with the Directorate Esprinet odg updates that will have the rental company.
After more than 200 days the famous proclamation of October 17, 2006 We hope that it really reached the moment of clarity for all ex-employees Actebis!
Monday, April 23, 2007
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The direction Esprinet, distinguished style and competence, is spreading so-called trade union meeting minutes (self-produced and self written).
It happened at a previous meeting, he reiterated on the occasion of April 16.
Despite strong criticism of the union, have expressed similar on attitudes and incomprehensible.
No minutes were agreed with the union on April 16, so the document that the management is spreading is full of "own production".
Rsa and Unions formally dissociate from such initiatives and distrust Esprinet from disseminating documents with unions without the prior consent of the organizations involved.
Nicola Cappelletti
Friday, April 20, 2007
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Negotiations on May 10 is confirmed.
will be held at the law firm representing Esprinet in San Babila in Milan.
The union delegation is convened for 15.30 hours.
We will update you promptly, including through the Blog, what emerges on the table.
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Operating Fund toll free EST.
To request information please call the toll 800.0166.48 .
From April 1, 2007, through the toll free number, you can perform all activities of technical and medical information and health services also book accommodations at the Convention (see Health Plan).
EST The Fund is the Integrative Health Care Fund for the employees of companies in the trade, Tourism and Services nato per seguire il dettato del CCNL del Terziario e del Turismo sottoscritti dalle Associazioni delle Aziende CONFCOMMERCIO, FIPE e FIAVET e dai Sindacati dei Lavoratori FILCAMS CGIL, FISASCAT CISL e UILTUCS UIL.
Si ricorda che l'iscrizione al fondo EST è obbligatoria per tutti i lavoratori a tempo indeterminato del Terziario e che i costi sono integralmente a carico dei datori di lavoro.
Nel sito del fondo sono dettagliate le coperture e le modalità di rimborso.
Click here for the Blog of Delegates Filcams
Click here for Filcams-CGIL Lombardia
Friday, April 13, 2007
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With a terse statement, the direction Esprinet has postponed the deal called for this morning, April 13 2007.
For the moment we refrain from commenting on the situation, however, is frankly embarrassing.
IMPORTANT (also get the community boards of your home):
16/04/2007 AT 14:15
Situation Business, Travel, Job title / Skills, Perspectives, VariedEv.
Friday, April 6, 2007
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On April 13, three days before the General Assembly of Workers, shall be called a negotiation with the management Esprinet to take stock of renting Actebis and prospects of companies.
In the Assembly of 16 we should be able, therefore, to have an updated picture of the company.
Monday, April 2, 2007
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16/04/2007 at 14:15 at the Sala ARENA IN NOVA 3 (EIA La Malfa, NOVA MILANESE)
Agenda: Corporate Location, Transfers, Job title / Skills, Perspectives, VariedEv.
all participate!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
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We are organizing a general meeting of all workers Esprinet / Actebis.
will be held in Nova Milanese.
Workers employed in other locations will be entitled to an extension of time for the assembly time required to reach the site.
When the date is confirmed information through all the blogs and message boards unions.
************************************************* *
inform workers, too, that working hours can not be changed unilaterally by the company, because the changes is a subject of bargaining under article 10 of the current National Collective Bargaining Agreement.
On the organization of work resulting from renting or acquisitions continue to demand that the company does not shirk the comparison union.
We encourage employees to refer to the frameworks and hours of work defined in their original letters of appointment.
Friday, March 2, 2007
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placed here links related to our dispute.
To begin with here is the article today (March 2, 2007) appeared on the day, with the foto della manifestazione.
L'ho uppato sul sito della filcams,quindi per visualizzarlo dovete scaricarlo(è un pdf).
Nell'articolo appare un certo imbarazzo da parte di esprinet che smentisce se stessa,dichiarando che gli esuberi non ci sono più(dopo lo sciopero).
Questo il link:
Thursday, March 1, 2007
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Esprinet S.p.A.
Via Saragat n. 4
20054 – Nova Milanese – MI
Alla c.a. Direzione del Personale
Nova Milanese, 01 marzo 2007
La presente per chiederVi formalmente di fornirci nel più breve tempo possibile copia dei verbali della sicurezza degli immobili di proprietà della Akno S.p.A. siti in Caleppio di Settala e della perizia ambientale come da noi già richiesto nell’incontro del 02 febbraio 2007 presso lo Studio Lablaw di Milano e nell’incontro del 22 febbraio 2007.
Inoltre gradiremmo avere copia della raccomandata inviata ad Akno S.p.A. in data 19 febbraio 2007 ed di una loro eventuale risposta in merito.
Restiamo in attesa di ricevere un Vostro gentile riscontro e cogliamo l’occasione per porgere cordiali saluti.
R.S.A. Esprinet S.p.A.
Monday, February 26, 2007
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Manifestazione dei lavoratori Esprinet/Actebis a Milano
Si è svolta questo pomeriggio la manifestazione dei lavoratori di Esprinet/Actebis,nell’ambito dello sciopero contro i 30 esuberi annunciati dalle direzioni aziendali ed in difesa dell’occupazione.
I lavoratori hanno manifestato nel centro di Milano,di fronte allo studio legale(in Galleria Passerella,2) che rappresenta nelle trattative sindacali la direzione aziendale.
Numerosi i partecipanti all’iniziativa.
Il gruppo Esprinet è il primo distributore grossista di prodotti per l’informatica in Italia ed uno dei primi a livello Europeo.
Di seguito alcune immagini delle iniziative sindacali di oggi.
I giornalisti che desiderassero materiale fotografico completo ed in formati compatibili con le esigenze di stampa possono segnalarlo a questo indirizzo mail:
Milano 26/02/2007
Nicola Cappelletti
Filcams-CGIL di Milano
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apprendiamo con piacere,dalla precisazione apparsa nel vostro sito ed attribuita alla direzione di Esprinet,che la questione dei 30 esuberi derivanti dall’acquisizione di Actebis e dichiarati formalmente al tavolo negoziale “non è al momento fondata”.
Evidentemente quanto la direzione di Esprinet,ed i suoi legali di LabLaw,dichiararono al sindacato durante l’incontro del 19 febbraio 2007 serviva solo per tastare il polso della situazione.
Oppure,in seguito alla decisa reazione dei lavoratori in assemblea ed alle forme di lotta approvate e programmate,la direzione Esprinet ha considerato un approccio meno frontale ed ostile col sindacato e con i lavoratori.
Intanto,nell’attesa che Esprinet smentisca in maniera formale quanto dichiarato al tavolo negoziale,ed assuma impegni precisi sul mantenimento dei livelli occupazionali,sindacato e lavoratori mantengono le iniziative programmate.
Compreso lo sciopero generale del gruppo Esprinet di oggi e la manifestazione in Piazza San Babila per il pomeriggio del 26 Febbraio,ore 16, in Milan.
Sincerely, Nicola Cappelletti
Filcams-CGIL Milano
Thursday, February 22, 2007
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Esprinet SPA, announced 30 redundancies: strike and demonstration in Milan
After 30 declaration of redundancies took place during the meeting with the unions verification procedure in place (acquisition of Actebis by Esprinet, both wholesale distributors of computer equipment with offices in Nova Milanese, Cambridge and Settle), the workers decided at the meeting the proclamation of a strike of four hours for the day Monday, February 26.
The initiative, in defense of jobs and against the unscrupulous use of institutions and casual leasing and acquisition company, will converge at a rally in front of the garrison law firm that represents and assists Esprinet Spa
Workers Esprinet Actebis and will be in Piazza San Babila in Milan (Galleria Passarella 1) at 16 Monday, February 26, 2007.
Milan, 22/02/2007
Nicola Cappelletti Marco Erri
Filcams-CGIL di Milano Filcams-CGIL Brianza
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
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Please note that writers unions have called a strike for four hours Esprinet group for the afternoon of February 26.
The initiative, which will feed into a demonstration / rally in Milan, was opened in defense of employment. Yours sincerely Nicola Cappelletti
Mark Errington
Filcams-CGIL Milano / Brianza
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Monday, February 19, 2007
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Milan, 19.02.2007 Press Release
Esprinet Spa, in today's meeting with the unions, announced 30 redundancies in the Milan area.
The Unions, in a very negative considering the current emphasis on business, remember that they had expressed serious doubts and concerns about the recent acquisition of Actebis, which occurred between late 2006 and early 2007.
The redundancies announced today confirm, unfortunately, the union's concerns on whether the desired operation and managed by Esprinet.
Esprinet Spa operates in the wholesale distribution of IT and consumer electronics, based in Nova Milanese.
The trade unions foster a great assembly on Wednesday morning, Settle, to discuss the situation with the workers and to coordinate all the appropriate steps to fight to defend jobs.
For more updates on the blog link of workers: http://lavoratoriactebis.blogspot.com/2007_02_01_archive.html
For Filcams-CGIL in Milan and Brianza Fisascat-CISL and the Brianza
Nicola Cappelletti
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Just time to declare redundancies and 30, with a provocative and pretentious, management broke the deal and leave the negotiating table!
This is the summary of the situation that occurred today, February 19, 2006.
the light of the situation developing is convened an extraordinary general meeting of workers Actebis on Wednesday morning (February 21) to Caleppio, with redundancies announced the agenda and forms of struggle to promote.
You are all invited to the maximum participation!
Nicola Cappelletti
Wednesday 21 February at 10.00 OTTAGONO Caleppio Settala
For employees Away (Nova-Cinisello-Cambridge) will be asked to leave four hours
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
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Use " required " the holiday is certainly a bad forcing Esprinet
Our lawyers are assessing the situation.
On open problems (outlook of the rent) await the meeting of 19 should emerge in which the real intentions of Esprinet.
remains strong indication not resign voluntarily to the pressures for the unpleasant situation or discomfort: the companies involved should bear all responsibilities.
then prepare the meeting of 19 a great general meeting to be updated, to assess the situation and decide what to do.
February 14, 2007
Friday, February 9, 2007
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We provide you with knowledge that the communication object
"use of leave and backward shift of place of work"
received by the warehouse staff / service, away or not, today has already been referred to the vision of the lawyers of the CGIL
We will as soon as more updates on this.
PS: to colleagues who may receive communications from countersign recommend putting the following words: Data ... And to acknowledge subject
RSA Actebis
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The warehouse personnel-service yesterday was transferred to the headquarters of the octagon was placed on leave from today (with communication delivered today).
communication given to the workers reported the reasons for the closure of the store and dispose of all vacations, holidays and ex rol acquired last year.
concludes with the message of the new place of work to return from holiday.
This means that is imposed on a long holiday period (on average 15-20 days) and return to the site mentioned is not entitled to any subsistence.
We have information on some workers away already receiving this communication, however, allocation of leave and return to the workplace.
should be noted that this communication is not an employment guarantee as long as there is on the lease company, so the situation is the same as those already away with the only change that the trip is no longer recognized in economic terms.
The RSA will continue its activities in any case continue to report any situation then, we remind you that we have a February 19 meeting with management and try to have more material for discussion as possible.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
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08/02/2007 UPDATE FROM Caleppi
's warehouse Caleppio Settala is closed, the warehouse staff / service in the afternoon was transferred to the headquarters of the octagon.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
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The union negotiations with Esprinet (February 6, Milan) closed with a further update for February 19. The trade union delegation has
pressed the company on the most pressing issues, obtaining commitments on the management of stage (test / compatibility of tasks, use remaining vacation time in previous years, more fairly, including formal, to the workers involved.) We
forcefully place the question of the prospects and scenarios (acquiring the lease evolve or not?).
could be dissolved on 19 February this decisive question. Meanwhile
would be revealed serious irregularities (at the expense of workers in the warehouse of slipknot) in terms of environmental security: This would have led to the decision to quickly close the warehouse.
We asked to examine urgently the relationship that the controller corporate security must have written, signed and filed annually. Let
to convene the meeting after the meeting of 19 February, in the light of the scenarios that date should be finally clarified by management.
In the meantime, while maintaining the union signs: agitation
reporting any anomaly
reporting any demotion, including through the intervention of the structures of the CGIL vertenziali
use of the forms released by the rsa on tasks which do not comply
Friday, February 2, 2007
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TUESDAY ' February 6
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
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For those who wish to submit, to the direction Esprinet / Actebis a request for clarification on the new role, you can contact the RSA Actebis which will provide the form for that request and all the information needed to send it to the direction Esprinet / Actebis.